The Tongue

Tame It!!!

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Angry words, gossip, rumors, lack of wisdom, and not speaking when you should is displeasing to God. I had a friend come to me recently saddened by what others in the christian circle said about her. This is not uncommon and we all know it is wrong, but what do we do about it? Do we turn away? Do we say, "That sounds like gossip and I'd prefer not to get involved?" Do we dismiss it and not give it another thought, or do we let it take root? Whether it is in the family, the church, amongst friends or zipping through cyber space, the tongue is sharp and should be controlled at all times.

James Three
James gives a lot of attention to this little member called, "The Tongue."He notes that it is unruly, it brags, it is full of deceit and deadly poison. It is full of fire and it can speak good one moment, and bad the next. Wow, this would seem pretty discouraging.

But then he talks about the godly man-the wise man.{vs.17} He is essentially telling us to take our cue from a Heavenly source. Have you ever told your children or friends, "Now, think before you speak?" This is good advice and it is exactly what our Heavenly Father tells us in His word.

Let's begin this study by examining some common sources and stumbling blocks concerning the tongue.
Gossip is clearly staked out in scripture as that resulting from idle minds and bitter hearts. Gossip usually begins by one person's heart felt complaint to another, and then it is passed on.{ Discussing a matter with a close friend isn't gossip, but allowing it to spread turns an innocent conversation wild real quick.} If not a complaint, it can evolve from opinion or verbal observation. It can even spring forth from genuine concern. But once it finds its way to unpredictable winds, it swirls into a funnel cloud of destruction. Only those who intentionally flee from it are spared the heartache and stigma of gossip. But this is what God's word tells us to do. Flee! It is clearly sin and harmful. Flee, run, turn away from, and shun things that are evil. When you feel tempted to pass on the driving force of gossip, especially when it is about someone who clearly claims the name of Christ, ask yourself these questions. "Am I edifying my brother or sister?" And, "Is this pleasing to God?" If you are one of God's people you will fail from time to time, as that is the burden of this life. But as you grow in the Lord, these question will, or should, stop you dead in your tracks!

I Pet.3:10, Proverbs 10:20, 12:18, 31:26,15:4, 21:23,25:15, James 1:26 ?

Anger is quicker and less beguiling than gossip. Gossip is the adulteress tempter, where anger is the serial murderer. Its roots are also embedded in bitterness. Even the more mature christian, when caught off guard, can lash out angrily. The vulnerability of illness, stress and pain can be deadly. God's word has a remedy for this too. He tells us not to speak words generated by emotion. Yes, love is an emotion and Paul teaches that we are to be ruled by love. But love is also a choice. Love as an emotion isn't always there. Some people are very unlovable. Sometimes love is replaced by anger and bitterness. But our choice to act within the laws of love will control that angry. Angry words can cut deep and leave wounds that last a life time. God knew what He was doing when He warned against the angry or gossiping tongue. Gen 39:7,Neh.9:17,Proverbs 14:17,22:24

And finally, speak! A silent tongue when it should speak boldly is also unpleasing. Speak for Him. Park that tongue in the path a gossip. Within love, point your finger at it and call it what it is. Be bold instead of angry. Be valiant for the truth. When you have waggled that tongue within human resources and found it useless, speak God's word..

Flee from gossip
Control with love
Speak God's word
This is an excellent illustration of one of the things we are talking about.Be sure to check out this link!
The GrapeVine

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