I've been asked why I made Zac sick in this story. The answer is, I've been sick with Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia since I was Zac's age, but I wasn't diagnosed until early this year. All of the symptoms are real, and it is my way of getting this disease out into the open. Not many people understand it or believe in it. This is my way of trying to make a difference.

Zac yawned and stretched as he sat up in bed. Taylor entered the room almost immediately. "Hey pal. Sleeping for 2 days huh?"

"What?" Zac asked groggily, looking at his clock.

"You've been asleep for two days."

"When did I fall asleep?" Zac asked, looking almost afraid.

"I dunno, you just came in two days ago, and went to bed. We didn't bother you. But I checked your pulse a few times."

"Where's Carter?" Zac asked. Usually Carter stayed with him when he wasn't felling well. When all of his energy was gone, Carter was there, being the energy he needed.

"I... dunno." Taylor shrugged. "I haven't seen her since... like the day she hit her head."

"We were together... what day is this?"


"We were together Monday then. But... How did I get here?"

"I said, you walked in here, and fell asleep."

"So Carter didn't bring me in?"

"No. Not that I know of. Why?"

"It's just weird. I dunno. She's always around."

"Yeah I guess."

Zac pushed past Taylor and went out the balcony door. He walked down the hall groggily and went into Carter's bedroom. "Hey Meli?" He asked, staring at her as she brushed her hair.


"Where's Carter?"

"I dunno."

"When was the last time you saw her?"

"I dunno."

"Thanks." Zac sighed. Big help.

Melissa walked out of the room and Zac heard her talking to somebody. "Zac's in there. He's looking for you." Her voice trailed off as she bounded down the stairs.

Carter entered her bedroom looking like an angel, at least that's what Zac thought. Little braids framed her face, each one laced with blue flowers. She wore white cargo pants with little blue butterflies around the waist and another one of her tiny white tanktops. Etched on the chest of her tanktop was the word "Zaccar" in dark blue paint. Zac remembered helped Carter paint it on the tanktop a few years ago.

"Hey." Zac smiled and waved.

"Hi." Carter almost seemed to sigh as Zac sat down on her bed. "When'd you finally wake up?"

"About ten minutes ago. Why didn't you wake me up... yesterday?"

"Cause you looked really peaceful and I didn't want to wake you."

Zac grabbed Carter by the waist and pulled her down so that she was sitting on his lap. "You look really pretty today."

"Why thank you." Her lips turned into a half smile, the kind of smile she unconsciously used when something was wrong. She tucked one of her braids behind the rest of her hair and put her head down on Zac's shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Zac asked, yawning.

Carter stood up and walked over to her dresser.

"Carter... what's wrong?"

Carter turned around and smiled. "Nothing." She tilted her head to the side. "Have you eaten yet?"

"In the past two days that I was sleeping? No." Zac walked over to her and put his arms around her waist. He had to spread his legs a little so that he was at her level. "You're lying now. Something is wrong."

"No I'm not lying Zac. I'm fine. Want some food?"

Zac laughed. "DO NOT TEMPT ME WITH FOOD! You must tell me what is on your mind before I partake in your pringles." Zac bobbed his head back and forth and made a fish face.

Carter laughed and wrapped her arms around him in a hug, but it was brought short by the doorbell ringing. "Hold that thought." She smiled as she ran out of the room and down the stairs to the front door. "HI!" She shrieked as she opened the door to reveal a stranger.

"Hey." The girl smiled. Her hair was light blonde, like Melissa's but it had chunky dark red streaks. It was pulled into a ponytail and Carter assumed her hair was a little bit above her shoulders. Her ears were pierced four times in each side, plus the cartiledge in her left ear. She wore a pair of green vinyl pants and a baggy, white, hippie t-shirt. Her shoes were bright yellow Doc Martens. Carter swallowed hard for some reason when she noticed this. This must be Melissa's new friend from school, the one who has a crush on Zac. Melissa was talking about her yesterday at the dinner table and how much she wanted to "shag him".

"Can I help you?" Carter asked.

"Yeah, are you Carver? Mel's sister? She told me alot about you."

"It's Carter. And yeah I'm her sister."

"I'm Marie." Marie held out her hand and grinned. She looked about 7 years old. And she wasn't much taller than a 7 year old either. "Is Melissa here?"

"I don't know. Lemme check." Carter slammed the door shut and screamed for her sister. She then opened the door again and smiled. "Yep, she's here. Come on in. She's in the kitchen."

Marie walked past Carter and Carter could have sworn she heard her growl on the way to the kitchen. Carter followed her surreptitiously (Whoa, good one Kris, 5 syllables) and stood by the kitchen door to hear their conversation.

"Is he here?!" Marie almost squealed as she clapped her hands together.

"I think he's upstairs, and if not, he's at home."

"That's just nextdoor right?"

"You should know that, you are a stalker, right?"

"I wouldn't call myself a stalker, I'm more of a... ok yeah, I'm a stalker."

Melissa laughed. "So what is your plan exactly?"

"First of all, I don't like your sister. She's too cocky. So we have to kill her."

Melissa laughed again. "We're not killing my sister. I'm finally starting to like her. But... I don't think you should try to steal the boy away from her. They have been friends forever. And they've just gotten started with the good stuff."

"Ugh! Don't tell me that. I don't wanna know what they do. Besides, Zac should be rightfully mine. I mean, we have so much in common. Don't you think?"

"Uhm. Yeah." Carter could sense Melissa rolling her eyes.

"So, can I go up and see him?"

"Yeah sure. Go ahead."

"OW! LA LOCA!" Marie shrieked again. Carter heard her footsteps running across the kitchen floor, and then she ran right into her. "HI!"

"Hey." Carter crossed her arms over her chest.

"Melissa said I could go see you guys' room. Is that ok with you? I promise I won't touch anything or mess anything up." She smiled.

"Sure." Carter walked past Marie and into the kitchen. Melissa was standing there shaking her head.

"I take it you ran into her?"

"Yeah. She's planning on stealing away Zac?"

"She'll never do it. I figure I'll just let her try and lose by herself."

"What's with her?"

"She's from Spain. I've been writing to her since 3rd grade. It was some project for school. I mentioned Zac once, and sent a picture of all of us at one of those family picnics we used to go too. And from then on, she was hooked."

"Yikes. So she's a total wacko?"

"Total. But I don't have the heart to tell her that she's annoying as hell. She's only here for two weeks though. She's staying in a hotel. And I can't wait till she leaves."

"You don't think she'll like... rape Zac or anything do you?"

"Doubt it. Don't worry. She's a safe psycho."

"I sure as hell hope so." Carter sighed and left the kitchen. She prepared herself to go upstairs and pry Marie off of Zac and throw her out the window.


Email: mryuck@csrlink.net