Chapter 51

Three more hours of utter boredom rang through Carter's ears as she sat across from Todd, wondering why the hell he was smiling at her. Most of the party had moved inside now, as it was beginning to sleet. Carter felt blinded by her bright clothes after about 2 hours. Now she wore a long black skirt with slits up bothsides to her thighs, and a white tanktop with a black mesh jacket over top.

Nique was sitting on Taylor's lap, now that the whole world knew of their "romance". Zac actually looked jealous, rolling his eyes everytime Taylor would kiss her cheeks. He finally decided to rescue Carter from Todd and drag her into the kitchen where they could pig out on everything in sight.

Jade, on the other hand, found herself talking to Isaac, probably the least likely candidate for her attention. He was sitting on the couch with her in front of him.

"Are you having fun?" He asked, trying to keep their conversation moving.

"Yeah. I really like everybody here." She smiled. "Your friends seem nice."

"Who? Trey and Tristan?" Isaac shrugged. "I guess so. They're really easy to talk to. I guess I'm not into all the stuff they are though."

"Really? I never would have guessed." She seemed to say sarcastically.

Isaac laughed. "Yeah, everybody around here thinks I'm just like them; bad ass with nothing else to do but drink and smoke... whatever they happen to have on them to smoke."

"And you're not like that?"

Isaac shook his head. "I let them think what they want to think. They're going to anyway, right?" He paused. "So what about you?"

"What about me?"

"You never told me why you're here. I mean, you and Nique don't seem to get along at all."

Jade shrugged. "It wasn't my choice to come here. My Uncle wanted another female in Nique's life. I guess since I didn't have much back at home, and my mom wanted to "broaden my horizons", I got stuck here. I kind of wish Nique would give me a chance though."

Isaac nodded. "I think there's only two other people around here that know what Nique's going through. That's how Carter was when her mom died. She wouldn't let anybody in but Zac. I don't think Meli's ever let anybody in on her loss."

"You know a lot about what goes on around here. I never would have guessed."

He shrugged. "I sit back and watch a lot. Then when I come out with a really big insight, people are shocked. I guess that's just the way I work."

"And you really like the attention when you finally do get it."

Isaac laughed a bit and nodded. "I guess I do."

Jade looked down at her watch. "1 hour left."

At the same time this was going on, Carter was sitting on the middle of the kitchen table, indian-style, eating a handful of chocolate covered pretzels, the big kind. "You know, these are friggin good? Whoever invented these is a friggin genius."

Zac groaned. He was sitting on the linoleum floor. The two of them had grown accustomed to sitting in strange places. "Don't say that word."


He groaned again. "That's a horrible word."

"Why are you in such a bad mood?"

Zac sighed. "Cause I don't like New Years Eve that much. There's all these stereotypes that you have to kiss somebody. There's just nobody that I wanna kiss."

"You could kiss me." Carter shrugged.

"Been there done that."

"Gee thanks." She laughed and threw a piece of pretzel at him. "I'm just saying that if you're dying to kiss somebody at midnight, I'm available. God knows I won't be smooching with anyone."

"Kissing is overrated. I'm more of a hug person. It's all in the hugs."

"If you say so."

Zac grinned. "Besides, we all know who you wanna be kissing at midnight."

"Shut up."

"Now who's in a bad mood?"

Carter leaned back and laid down so that she was hanging off the table.

"You know, we gotta eat off of there."

"Yeah yeah." She rolled her eyes. "And you don't want Nique at all."

"I don't. I mean, I used to. She was cool to talk to. But I could tell she wasn't all there. Like her mind was somewhere else. You know... on your man."

Carter took the half chewed pretzel out of her mouth and threw it into Zac's hair.

"EW!" Zac shrieked and jumped up into the air, flipping his hair around wildly. "DON'T DO THAT!"

Carter laughed histerically. "Wanna know my prediction though?"


"Taylor's not gonna get the girl. He doesn't no how to handle a girl. He thinks he does. But he really doesn't."

"What do you mean?"

"Like when we were together... that whole... week. He'd be all fumbly and goofy. But, it was like he really wanted to like me though. He gets these girls sittin on his lap, like me and Nique, but he doesn't know what to do once they're there. He's hot and all... but he's no Casanova."

"Who is?" Zac sighed sarcastically.


"What? Ew don't even tell me you have a thing for Todd?"

"Hell no. He's just extremely charming. Too bad he's an asshole." She paused and took a deep breath. "ANYHOO. On with the midnight predictions. Taylor... no nookie."

Zac laughed.

"Nique, no nookie. Cause she's too hooked on Taylor. And of course I mean nookie as any form of affection, or action. You, you'll fly around the house screaming Happy New Year, hugging everybody, including yourself."

He laughed again.

"Isaac... I dunno he's just a big dork in my eyes. But, I see some action in his near future. Purely talk of course."

"Me? No nookie, because we all know I'm destined to live a life as a yuppie. Melissa, of course she'll get attention from everybody because.. she's Melissa. And Jade is going to get herself a boyfriend quite possibly."

Zac laughed and ignored half of what she said. "No, cause if you're a yuppie, I'm gonna be a yuppie too. Cause we're destined to be best friends forever, even if we both hafta be yuppies together.

Carter smiled and handed him a pretzel this time, instead of throwing it in his hair. They had always had fun with Carter's fake psychic predictions, but they had no idea how accurate they were going to be this time.

