Chapter 63



Sent: March 26th, 2000; 5:27 p.m. EASTERN TIME

Subject: Missing Oklahoma

Dear Taylor,

I got your letter today, met some people, and ran home to e-mail you back. I like this better, it's quicker. Ok so the people here scare the crap out of me. This guy comes up to me and drags me to his friend's house. Yeah he's cute and all, but I don't know. Anyhoo, there's Rae, who thinks she's the king of the world or something, Alana, who's head is so far up Rae's ass it would turn into a diamond in 5 minutes, and Jen... she's cool. I might get along with her.

Thank you for the picture. I'm amazed at those two girls. You told me they were pretty, but they really are. Carter has that italian look about her. And Melissa looks like a lot like Alana.

I miss Oklahoma so much. You wouldn't believe how different PA is. Can you believe this hellhole/rich development, is called Mill Creek? The only creek around here is a stream behind Andrew's house that looks like somebody peed between two rocks and called it a creek.

I guess that's all there is to say here really. E-mail me soon. I'll send you a new picture of me next time.

Yours, Beth

Taylor clicked out of his e-mail and left the message from Beth there for later. He'd write back, in a few hours, probably before he went to bed. "Who's the e-mail from?" A voice from behind him whispered into his ear.

Taylor jumped out of the chair and turned around, grabbing his heart. "Geez freakin lord, Carter. You've gotta stop doing that. It was Beth."

Carter laughed and sat down on his bed. Taylor sat back down on his computer chair, facing her. "You like her." It was a statement, not really a question.

Taylor shook his head. "We just decided to write back and forth. I figured it would give her a little something of Tulsa to hold on to."

Carter nodded. "I just said goodnight to Zac. He doesn't feel very well today."

"You going back home then?"

Carter shrugged. "Do you want me too?"


"I just wondered, cause if you want me too, I'll go home." She smiled.

Taylor laughed. "You've just got that flirting thing all down don't you?"

"I'm not flirting!" Carter's eyes widened, surprised. "Meli is the flirter in the family."

"Who do you think she learned it from?!"

Carter laughed. "Give me an example. When have I ever flirted?"

"With me, Zac, or Isaac?"

Carter's jaw dropped. "I HAVE NEVER FLIRTED WITH IKE!"

"HA!" Taylor laughed. "Remember when he came downstairs wearing your pink fuzzy slippers and his robe... and you sat down on his lap and said something about him being fluffy wuffy?"

"Mel started it!"

"No. You started it. Mel joined in."

Carter shook her head and laughed. "Ok so maybe I did."

"You use every oppourtunity you can get to sit on somebody's lap."

"Not true."

Taylor stood up from his chair and sat next to her. He smiled and patted his lap lightly.

"Not gonna happen." Carter closed her eyes tightly and shook her head. "You just keep dreamin on buddy cause I'm not going to sit on your lap."

Taylor began to hum.

Carter shook her head again. "Forget it. I'm not going to sit on you. As much as I know you just can't resist me."

Taylor laughed. "I can so resist you, Carter. I'm doing it right now."

"Huh?" Carter opened her eyes.

"I just mean that.... you're here, sitting on my bed. And if I was at all cool in any way, I'd throw you backwards, lay on top of you, and start making out with you."

"Yes that would be pretty cool."

"But that's not how I am."

"Yeah it is." Carter laughed.

"Ok so maybe that's how I was with Melissa."

"And me."

"I was not!"

Carter shrugged. "Do you still want me to sit on your lap?"


She laughed. "That was so mean! You just sit there lookin all hot, inviting me to sit on your lap... then you shut me down. You're mean."

Taylor reached over and poked her on her side between her ribcage and her waist. Carter jumped. He poked her again.

"Dude you do that one more time and I'll beat your ass."

Taylor poked her again.

Carter laughed and swung one of her legs over his lap so she was straddling him, facing him. She pushed his shoulders back and sat down on his stomach. "You gonna poke me again or do I have to kick your ass."

"Kick away." Taylor grinned, reaching behind her and poking her on the back.

"DAMMIT!" Carter brought her knee down hard, accidenally slamming it into his crotch.

Taylor rolled over on his side, flipping her to the other side of the bed. "Dammit woman! I just got out ofthe hospital, you wanna send me again."

Carter, laughing to the point of tears, rolled towards Taylor. "I'm sorry. But it was your fault. You made me jump."

"Ok I'll just have to remember that whenever we're together, I'll have to not touch you."

Carter stopped laughing and looked at him seriously. He was laying on his side now, facing her. "When we're... together?"

Taylor blushed. "Well yeah, like when you come over here at night before going back home... and we talk like this."

Carter nodded and looked down at the bed. "Oh."

"Unless of course... you... want us to be together more than that."

Carter shrugged. "Yeah well, you know. Hanging out during the daytime might be cool. You could always get out of your room more often. Get some exercise cause you're really scrawny."

Taylor laughed and shoved her lightly. "Funny."

Carter smiled and patted his arm. "I'm gonna get going now. I'm really tired. See you tomorrow ok?"

Taylor nodded and watched as she left his bedroom as suddenly as she came in. He sighed, grabbed a pillow from the head of his bed, and covered his face with it. "Stupid you," He said to himself, "try kissing her next time."

Mill Creek
