Chapter 80

"So have you ever played 'soggy muffins'?" Zac looked over at Taylor, who in return, shook his head, his face burning hot.

"What's 'soggy muffins'?" Justine asked. She was sitting next to Zac, with her arm resting on his leg.

Carter shook her head and covered her eyes. "Oh god please... no"

Zac grinned. "Ok 'soggy muffins' is a game that guys play at parties. My friend on the internet has this thing called 'PornStock' every year and all his buddies come over and they play this game. Basically all the guys get in a circle..."

"Zac... please stop." Carter grabbed a pillow from the couch and covered her face. "I really don't wanna hear this. My virgin ears can't take this kind of sickening perverted conversation."

Zac rolled his eyes. "Anyway. The guys get in the circle and they put a muffin in the middle. And they all.. woo hoo. You know? Onto the muffin. And the last one to ... woo hoo... has to eat the muffin."

"EWWWW!" Justine screamed and covered her ears. "I'm with Carter on this one. That's just too much."

Carter took the pillow away from her face. "Are we finished with this conversation yet?"

Zac nodded. "Seriously though. It's a great tournament game."

Justine's eyes widened. "Please tell me you've never played... that before."

Zac shook his head. "Dude, who would I do it with? I only have 2 guy friends... and they're my brothers." Zac looked at Taylor. Taylor looked back at Zac and they both shivered. "EW!" They said, in unison.

Carter laughed and sat down on Taylor's lap. "Taylor always gets embarrassed when the topic of..." She paused. "Hmm, how do I say this... self indulgence comes up."

Taylor's face got even redder. "Yeah well.. so do you."

"So? I just believe that there are certain topics that come up in our conversations where it's best for me to plead the 5th."

Zac smiled. "Like which one of us is a better kisser?" Nobody noticed Justine's expression when that comment came up. She almost glared at Carter from across the room.

Carter rolled her eyes. "I've already answered that question."

"YOU DID NOT!" Taylor shook his head. "Everytime I ask you, you plead the 5th!"

"Yeah so? That's my answer."

Justine sighed. "Could we please drop the masturbation topic? Maybe talk about something else? Like... cheese... or faeiries... or those kickass new giant goldfish?"

Carter laughed. "OH! I know what I wanted to ask. Justine, do you have superpowers?"

Zac rolled his eyes. "Here we go again."

"Shut up, you."

Justine shook her head. "What?"

"Ok like.... superpowers. Like, when I dream, I can do all kinds of stuff."

Zac sighed. "Carter's got this delusion that dreams are real, and that they're just on a different plane of reality, and not many people realize it."

"It's true. I've come to that conclusion, and now I can control my dreams. There's proof of this, Zac. Total proof. How do you think people have convergent dreams? And how can you explain when you're having a dream that your arm hurts, and you wake up, and you realize you've been laying on your arm all night and it's just fallen asleep? And HOW can you explain my dreams where I'm walking around and my arm is shooting straight up to the sky and no matter how hard I try to get it down, it just stays up there? It's because my boobs are my biggest insecurity."

"What?!" Everybody looked at her, completely confused.

"Oh... I left out the part that I'm wearing a really baggy shirt, and no bra, and when my arm shoots up like that, my boobies show. Anyway, how do you explain all those links between the dream world and your so called, 'reality'?"

Taylor yawned. "See, Justine, this is when we all just let her talk. Cause there's no use in trying to convince her otherwise."

"So what are these superpowers you were talking about?" Justine asked, actually fascinated by Carter's stories. Justine was really into dreams and when and why dreams occur.

"Well, I have a couple, but they aren't as good as Zac's. He just won't admit the fact that in his dream world, he makes up for the fact that he's weak in our world."

Zac sighed. "I'm not weak."

"I know." Carter smiled. "But see, ever since Zac's been sick with Fibromyalgia, his dreams have been growing and growing. It started out with him being about to squeeze his eyes shut really tight, and then astral project to a different place. Then, he could fly, he could walk through walls and ceilings, and he has telekenesis."

Justine nodded at Zac. "You know, I think she's right. A lot of times, people take what's wrong with their life, or something like that, and they change it in their dreams, subconsciously, to make up for the fact that they're lacking in reality."

Zac's eyes widened and he looked at Taylor. "Oh my god. How come, the one thing these two chicks have in common, is Carter's psycho freak dream theories."

"They may be theories, but they hit home with everybody." Carter sighed. "It's a shame you don't believe in the power of dream, Zac. I bet you could do some pretty cool stuff in your dreams if you'd just let loose."

Justine gave Zac a sympathetic look and turned back to Carter. "So what do you do in your dreams?"

Carter smiled proudly. "I'm always famous. It's like a continuation. I'm always in this movie and I can do things that nobody else can do. And I have this amazing voice that reaches people, and helps people. And in a lot of dreams, I go to Zac and I sing to him, and it makes his pain go away. It's like everything I've ever wanted to do, I'm actually doing. It's just that I can only do it when I'm asleep. I even met this one girl that I sang to once in my dream."

Zac sighed. "Here we go..."

"I ran into her at the store the day after I dreamt about her. She looked at me like she knew me and I'm convinced that she did. We never talked though." Carter looked at Zac and smiled. "Ok ok. We don't have to talk about this anymore. I know it freaks you out."

Zac nodded. "Good. Now... who wants giant goldfish?" He tried changing the subject. He didn't want everybody to know that he believed Carer, that he's seen the proof of her Dream Theory. He didn't want anybody to know that he's been having dreams where Carter comes to him and sings, and all of his pain goes away, until he wakes up. In his dreams, he is invincible. He knows no fear, no pain, and no heartache. And recently, when he sleeps a deep, quiet sleep, he dreams of Justine. She comes to his room wearing a long red dress, and she tells him how much he means to her, how much she cares for him, and how much she's waited her whole life to meet him.

