Chapter 98 (Dedicated to Zac and Tanis)

"Shhh!" Carter put a hand on Zac's stomach and pushed him back slightly. "Quit standing on my heels. You're gonna trip me and wake up Taylor." She whispered trying to stay as quiet as possible. Taylor was a heavy sleeper but this was going to be a challenge.

Zac handed her a can of whipped cream and grinned. They decided an hour earlier that Carter would do the face and Zac would do the... rest. Seeing as though Taylor still slept completely naked, this was Carter's perfect way to get back at him for the bed incident.

Carter leaned forward and pulled Taylor's blanket down to his waist being careful not to see his... Then she put her index finger on the nozzle of the whipped cream and sprayed it onto his chest in the pattern of a bikini top. "Ok, Zac, your brother is such a tart. Why doesn't he feel this?"

Zac shrugged. "Write what I told you to write."

"Oh yeah." Carter tried not to laugh as she sprayed the words, 'GO SOUTH OF THE BORDER' on his stomach. "Ok Zac.... go south of the border."

Zac shook up his own can of whipped cream and grinned.

"You don't mind doing the bottom?"

"It's not like I haven't seen his... before. Tay's a freakin exhibitionist."

"No kidding." Carter cringed, remembering the night she found Taylor sleeping naked on top of his blankets. "Ok hurry up. He might wake up."

"Yeah right."

Carter turned around and stared at the wall while she listened to the sounds of whipped cream spurting from the can. After a few minutes she tapped her foot. "Ok Zac, this is taking waaayyy too long and it's starting to freak me out."

"Alright alright. I'm finished."

Carter turned around and covered her mouth with her hand. "Oh my God..." She whispered when she noticed what Zac had done.

Taylor lay in his bed with his arms up above his head, handcuffed to the iron rail of the headboard. He was wearing a whipped cream bikini and Zac even managed to slip on a pair of red high heels. They didn't fit right, but they still looked perfect.

"Zac... oh my god... where did you get the handcuffs."

Zac smiled. "They came in a kit."

"Kinky Cops R' Us?"

Zac laughed and pulled the blanket completely off the bed so there would be no chance of Taylor pulling it back onto himself in the middle of the night. "You think he'll stay in that position?"

"Zac, he's handcuffed to a bed, you really think he'll be able to move?"

"What if it melts."

"Zac... GO!" She whispered a little louder and shoved Zac out of the room. She pushed him all the way back to his bedroom and they fell asleep soon after in his bed. It seemed like 10 minutes had gone by when Carter woke up to hear a light thumping noise in Taylor's room. She rolled over, pinched Zac's arm and looked at the clock. "Zac, it's 8:00... I think Taylor is awake."

Zac jumped out of bed faster than he ever had before and grabbed Carter's arm, pulling her to Taylor's bedroom. They stopped dead in their tracks when they saw Taylor glaring, laying in his bed, still covered in whipped cream.

"Ok this was really funny and all... but mom and dad are gonna be awake soon and if they find me here like this..."

"They'll wonder who your gay lover is?" Carter smiled and leaned against the wall.

"Dude Carter. Uncuff me now! I'm serious!"

"But we haven't taken the pictures yet!"

"NO PICTURES!" Taylor started to kick his leg but then remembered that the only thing seperating him from the rest of the world was a thin layer of white foam. "Ok... I'm serious... Zac... uncuff me now or I'll shave your head in your sleep."

"Nice, I was thinking of cutting my hair anyway."

"I'M FUCKING SERIOUS MAN!" Taylor yelled as loud as he could without waking the rest of the house.

Carter laughed. "Taylor said a naughty..."

Taylor's eyes widened. "DUDE Carter... you saw me naked!"

"Don't flatter yourself Taylor. Zac did the bottom. Besides, it's not like I haven't seen you naked before."

Taylor blushed. "Oh yeah. I'm so serious. Let me out. Uncuff me and then get the hell out of my room before I beat you both to a bloody pulp."

Carter looked at Zac. "Could I take him?"

Zac nodded. "You could take him."

"I could take you."

Taylor wimpered. "GUYS! It's really cold in here and ... like ... I'm beginning to have a slight personal problem. If you know what I mean."

Carter looked at Taylor and then looked at Zac. Then she covered her mouth. "Ew..." She closed her eyes and handed Zac the handcuff key. "That's one thing I don't want to see this early in the morning."

Zac laughed and quickly uncuffed Taylor. "Yeah me neither."

Taylor growled as Carter and Zac went back to bed. They were almost asleep when they heard Taylor run quickly to the bathroom to take a shower.

My various poetry things
