Chapter 1

I guess you could say she's pretty average for a teenager, Natalie, I mean. I don't think I've taken a single breath without that girl there to witness it. Our parents used to hang out when they were our age. We were even born in the same hospital, 2 days apart. She's older. I suppose that means we've known eachother since sperm.

Natalie is the exact same height as me, 5'5" tall. She has medium brown hair that touches her shoulders, kind of wavy. Her eyes change color from green to blue to grey. I'm a little chubby, blondish golden hair that reaches my mid-back. My eyes are like Natalie's, but they change from green to gold to brown.

I've always called her Natie. She never liked her name. She always wanted mine, Piper. Natalie lives in a huge house across the street from mine. She lives with her mother and her sister. I spend a lot of time over there because there aren't very many interesting people in our neighborhood. Unless you count the "movie star". That's what Natalie calls him. I'm not even sure he knows his real name. She just thinks he's hot.

Natalie calls him Joey. She's a major flirt. I personally can't stand the guy. Basically, as the best friend, it's my job to smile and nod as I watch Natalie swoon all over Joseph Gordon-Levitt. The little time that he does spend at home, I have to watch Natalie peek into his bedroom window. By ladder, of course. What is life without danger?

Natalie kicked a rock and laughed as it hit a parked car. "HAHAHAHA! Bet those morons won't even notice that dent." She laughed, referring to the Bense's. They were an old couple who could barely see. "WHAT FOOLS THESE MORTALS BE!" It was Natalie's favourite saying. She scares me sometimes.

My favourite sayings, or phrases that I overuse to much, are, "Ow wall, Whoa Big word, and That's not english."

I pulled my hair into a high ponytail like I always do on hot days, and looked down at my feet. "Do these shoes look weird?"

"Yes." Natalie nodded and smiled.


"Think Joey is home?"

"You have to stop talking that boy! No wonder he's an actor. He has to get away from you!"

"And to think, I insired Joey to be an actor."

"HA! You frightened him out of his house!"


I laughed and poked her in the side. "Hey look. Here he comes."

Joey's rollerblades made tiny stones fly into my face as he spun around in front of us. "Hi." He grinned at me.

"Hi." I mumbled and shoved my hands into the pockets of my flares. For some reason, the hot as hell boy in front of me did nothing but annoy the hell out of me.

"Hi Joey." Natalie smiled and tucked her hair behind her ears. "What's up?"

"Uhm. Nothing."

"You gonna be around this weekend?" Natalie knew that it was summer, and Joey wasn't filming 3rd Rock From the Sun right now.

"I should be. Why?"

"I dunno." Natalie shrugged. "Maybe I'll see you around."

"I'm sure you will." He smiled sarcastically. "See you around Piper." And with that, Joey rollerbladed up his driveway and disappeared into his garage.

"He likes you." Natalie laughed and nudged me.

"Ugh. Be still my friggin heart."

"Oh come on! Don't you ever flirt?"

"Yeah. Just not with him. ANYBODY but him."

"And why not?"

"Cause he's a stuck up snob."

Natalie shook her head. "You just don't know him like I do."

"Natie, peering into a boy's window each night does not qualify as knowing him."

"Well, I know him better than you do."

I laughed. "I don't think I want to know him as... Personally as you do."

Natalie laughed and grabbed my arm. "Come on, let's go spy."

"Geez girl." I rolled my eyes. "I'll wait out here, ok?"

Natalie shrugged. "Sure thing."

I smiled and sat down on the curb across from Joey's house and fiddled with the shoelaces on my blue and green metallic Doc Martens. Within minutes, Joey came running out of his house. He smiled and sat down next to me. "Your friend is climbing a ladder next to my window. You are aware of this, right?"

"Yeah. She has a name though."


"Yeah. She's lived in this neighborhood just as long as you have. You should at least know her name by now." I muttered under my breath. I sometimes exaggerated Joey's personality. I made him out to be a total snob when he really wasn't.

Joey stared at me for a few minutes. I could almost feel him burning a hole in my arm. "Do you ever match?"

"What?" I peered down at my clothes. I was wearing purple flares with a flourescent yellow tank top. "This matches."

"Uhm. Ok. Do you ever wear normal pants?"

"These are normal. Just because I don't like to dress like everybody else in the world. That doesn't mean I don't match. Besides, Natie dresses like this too." I never forgot what anybody was wearing. Natalie had borrowed my blue vinyl pants and green tanktop. She didn't care if it was summer. She liked me vinyl pants.

"I hadn't noticed."

"You never notice anything. All the years you've lived next to me, you've never noticed how much Natie likes you."

"And you've never noticed that I like you."

"Yes I have. But Natalie is my best friend. It would betray and break every friendship rule to like a guy that she likes. I would never do that to her."

"So you're saying you want me to be nicer to Natalie." Joey rolled his eyes as he glanced toward the sound of a crash in his back yard. "Can't she just knock on the door? Every day she falls off of a ladder. Like I'm supposed to rescue her."

"You aren't supposed to rescue her! You're just supposed to acknowledge her existence. It would be nice if you'd say hi to her every once in a while." I whispered as I watched Natalie walk back over to us.

"You weren't in your room!" She smiled as she stood in from of him.

"Hello Natalie. What's up?"

Natalie looked surprised and she grinned at me. "Hi Joey." She laughed. "You have to get a better ladder."

Joey smiled and brushed off his shorts. "I'll see to that. Bye Piper, Bye Nat." He waved and went back inside.

"Did you see that?!" Natalie shrieked as she jumped into the air and clinged to my arm.

"What? That he forgot to comb his hair?"

"NO! He called me Nat! He wants me." She sighed.

"Right. He wants you." I smiled back at Natalie and we went back to her house.
