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Ron's Home Page
( AKA, Beaker )

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Hi my name is Ron, I'm 5 feet 10 inches, I have dark brown hair and brown eyes. I attended Our Lady of Mount Carmel Elementary School in Cleveland, Ohio. I then moved to Pennsylvania and finished out the last 4 years of schooling at Blacklick Valley High School. You may view others photo of me:Photo of me.

I am the eldest of seven. I have six younger brother, I am kind, compassionate and very caring. I also work at as a part-time photographer for the local paper. I took picture of special events such as Parades, Sporting events, Fire and Vehicle accidents and other spontaneous news events when ever they may happen in our area.

I am at the local library quite often and try to teach others how to use the computer. I also program and install educational games in the computer for the Library. As well as to help them to learn how to play them when they visit. The library calls upon me anytime someone is stuck or if the computers aren't working correctly. I also attempt to fix anything that breaks on/in the computers and usually am successful. Thus saving the library a service call I am very proficient and knowledgeable with the computers. I am very proud of the fact that I am self taught. People who have taken courses in computers come to me sometime to ask for help.

I am involved with an organization called Lost Loved Ones: . I have been working with them from the start. There were six of us in the group that was formed a little more then 11 years ago. For more information on Lost Loved Ones, Click on the link above or the Banner below.

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"Some of My Favorite Links Are"

Nanty Glo Home Page
Ancestry Library Search
C/Net Search
Geosmike Systems
Serenity Welcome Homepage, A+++++ Site

To visit some other Wonderful Links. That I have found on the internet to be very Helpful from time to time. Click Here Links I found on the net.

To visit some of my Midi files I have collected over the net. Enter Here. Some of my midi file

Play A Game!!

To find out who some of the past Presidents of The United States are. Then play the games Hangman and see how good you really are. Hangman

I can be found most of the time in PalTalk My hander is Beaker2. And can also be found on FaceBook
Would you like to see a new up to date picture of me.
Photo #1 & Photo #2

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