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HI!! My name is Melinda. Welcome to my world. I have lots of my favorite things on this page. Take a look around but don't forget to sign the guestbook before you leave.

Pick a link to start looking around.


About Me

This is my adopted pet Flipper. Click on him to see the rest of my adopted pets.

Do you like Scooby Doo? I do. Click Here to check the gang out.

Do you like jokes? Click on the face to read one.

Go vist Mr. PushMe .

I have ICQ. My number is 31779775. My nickname is Kiara. Look me up. I love to chat with people. If you have AOL messenger, my nickname there is Kiara107. Send me a message.

I had to get a new guestbook so make sure you sign it before you leave.

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