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This should show your local time.. dunno why I added it, but enjoy it as much as any other applet clock.

Welcome to the Wide World of Emoticons!!

Here, you can look through the list to see if can figure out what the heck all these things mean! If you see one that I don't have and you do, feel free to send it in and I'll post it on!

Emoticon: /ee-moh'ti-kon/ /n. An ASCII glyph used to indicate an emotional state in email or news.

ASCII: /n. Abbreviation for: American Standard Code for Information Interchange


June 8, 2001

Wow! I've added a News section. hmm.. colors don't mix well, but why the heck not?

September 18, 2000

Uhh... updated I think. I'm still active with this page even though it might not seem like it.

If you think reading all these things are nearly impossible... image typing it.

-The List-
I have 174 emoticons listed

  1. :-) = The standard smile

  2. :) = The lazy man's smile

  3. ,-) = Winking smile

  4. ;-) = Another winking but, with both eyes

  5. =(:-o = Surprised

  6. :-$ = Mouth wired shut

  7. :-(=) = Smiley with big teeth

  8. :-i = Smoking

  9. :-)8 = Smiley with a bow tie

  10. :-> = A response to a sarcastic remark

  11. (-: = The left handed smiley

  12. :-( = Sad smiley

  13. :-C = Very sad smiley

  14. :'-( = Crying smiley

  15. :-* = Kissing smiley

  16. :X = Another kissing smiley

  17. :)> = A happy bearded smiley

  18. F:-( = Smiley with an axe in head (bet that hurts!)

  19. b:-) = Smiley about to be butchered (that's gonna leave a mark..)

  20. :(> = A sad bearded smiley

  21. &-) = A stoned smiley

  22. [ ] = A hug

  23. :#) = A drunk smiley

  24. :-), = I have an outy belly button

  25. (:)-) = Scuba Diver

  26. :-] = Undecided

  27. 0 :-) = Angel

  28. :-E = Vampire

  29. ~:| = Don't bother me, or I'll kick your as... arse (heh heh)

  30. :(-x-) = kiss my as... arse (hmm.. enough arse stuff for now)

  31. :-D = Man laughing really hard

  32. §:-) = Curly haired smile

  33. ******:-) = Marge Simpson

  34. +<:-) = A monk

  35. ===:-) = Don King

  36. R-| = Just broke glasses

  37. (-:|:-) = Siamese Twins

  38. 7:-) = Fred Flintstone (I really don't see this one)

  39. :/7/) = Cyrano de Bergerac (Who..?)

  40. ]:0 = A cow

  41. :\/ = A woodpecker (Don't see this one either..)

  42. y/x:-) = Happily married male or female

  43. x:-) = Male

  44. y:-) = Female

  45. ~:0 = Screamy baby

  46. :~.) = Cindy Crawford

  47. c|:-= = Carlie Chaplin

  48. 8:] = Gorilla

  49. K:-) = Kid wearing a propeller hat (You know, like what Elroy Jetson had)

  50. 8-O = Extremely shocked or surprised

  51. :@ = Stress scream (I get about 4 an hour when I work on this site)

  52. 8:o) = Mickey Mouse

  53. $-) = Yuppie

  54. :-8) = Smiley with glasses on the tip of the nose

  55. >:-{} = Mick Jagger

  56. [, : )] = Herman Munster

  57. (Z(:^| = Nepoleon (Look hard for this one)

  58. \/\/:\/\ = A wrapped mummy

  59. ]}-} = A horned devil

  60. :-< = A walrus

  61. %-^ = Picasso

  62. :-----) = Pinnochio ( Is that how it is spelt?? )

  63. [:] = Happy robot

  64. |^o = Snoring

  65. :-k = Biting lip

  66. ([| = Robocop

  67. +<||-) = A knight

  68. C=}>;*{)) = A drunk, devilish chef with a toupee in a updraft, a mustache, & a double chin

  69. :-(E = Sloppy eater

  70. :-)... = Drooling

  71. @:-) = Elvis

  72. //o-o\\ = John Lennon

  73. 8----(0 = Phantom of the Opera

  74. H:( = Unhappy person that had a steel (metal may vary) beam dropped on them

  75. \_/ = Shot glass

  76. ~:-) = Mohawk man

  77. :pd: = French kiss

  78. =]:)> = Uncle Sam

  79. |>ccc((º> = Fish

  80. <'))>< = Another fish

  81. |--==| = A bed

  82. <^oo^> = Cat

  83. c|_| = Coffee mug

  84. :-" = Whistling

  85. {:-) = Hair parted in the middle

  86. :%)% = Smiley with a bad case of acne

  87. (o) = Target

  88. ( * _ * ) = Alien

  89. (::::[]::::) = A belt

  90. |*_*| = Hangover

  91. ()xxx(::::::::::::::::::> = A sword (my version, there are many others like that)

  92. >>----» = Arrow

  93. \****/ = Popcorn bowl

  94. :o) = Smiley with a big nose

  95. :-p = Tongue sticking out

  96. :-P = Another Tongue sticking out

  97. :p~~ = Drool

  98. P-( = Pirate

  99. (|:)> Beatnik wearing a barret

  100. :B = Buck-Toothed smiley

  101. 8-P" = Drooling over you / goo-goo eyes

  102. (_8^(|) = Homer Simpson

  103. +-(:-) = The Pope

  104. :-~) = Got a cold / runny nose

  105. :-Q = Smoker

  106. :-? = Pipe smoker

  107. :-O = Don't cry! or a deep state of amazement

  108. X-( = Just died

  109. {:-) = Smiley with a toupee

  110. :-\ or :-/ = Uncertain smiley

  111. @->-- = I give you a rose

  112. @}-'-,-'-,-- = Long stemmed rose

  113. (-o-) = TIE Fighter

  114. >o< = X-Wing

  115. (-_-) = Secret smile

  116. (o--->) = Sounds fishy

  117. :-{} = Smiley wearing lipstick

  118. (:-) = Bald smiley

  119. ,-) or '-) = One-eyed smiley

  120. :-@ = Swearing smiley

  121. 8-) = Smiley wearing sunglasses or a bandit

  122. :-# = Wearing braces

  123. )=_ = Man with a scar

  124. Q:-) = Davey Crocket

  125. <:o-) = Bobo the Clown

  126. C=8-)> = Abe Lincoln

  127. >[] = Old small antenna TV / old 1950's radio

  128. :-[>] = Snake tongue

  129. :^( = Broken nose

  130. -:-) = Punk rocker

  131. <|-) = Chinese

  132. [:-) = Wearing headphones

  133. @:-) = Wearing a turban

  134. (:I = Egghead

  135. *<:-) = Smiley wearing a Santa hat

  136. :-& = Tongue tied

  137. %-6 = Brain dead

  138. I-O = Yawning

  139. \(^o^)/ = Japanese banzai-smiley

  140. <:-) = Wearing a dunce cap

  141. =^..^= = A fox

  142. (O v O)= An owl

  143. <*+*> = A nerd with big ears

  144. E@:-)= An afro dude with a pick in his hair

  145. ^^v^;;^v^^ = A vampire bat (anyone see that one??)

  146. #8^) = Happy guy with glasses

  147. ><@>< = Peppermint Candy

  148. =>:-)= = A rebel

  149. (*) = An apple

  150. 0-) = A cyclops

  151. °å° = A paw print

  152. @_=^) = Conan O'Brien (you know.. The Late Late Show guy, some say I look like him)

  153. {|O~}~~%%% = A guitar

  154. <^> {º­º} <^> = A guy giving someone the finger.. er fingers (hehe)

  155. (<>..<>) = An Alien

  156. §:0}I = Jimi Hendrix

  157. *Cl :- ) = Lady with a flowered hat

  158. -----E = A pitchfork

  159. ¦-O = A yawn

    (A note to all... loosing feeling in my hands, too much typing...)

  160. < __________(_( ) = A pencil

  161. *<|8^)#\/\/\/\/\/[ = A jack in the box

  162. §*^*§ = A smiley with earrings

  163. \%/ = A cocktail

  164. (B-0==== = ZZ Top!

  165. <{-_-}> = Yoda

  166. @-_-@ = Princess Leia

  167. <*))))))><( = Dead fish

  168. _=*|:-) = A wizard

  169. c\=/ = Cup of tea

  170. ( ((><)) ) = Kenny McCormick from South Park

  171. 8>--- = Blood sucking aphid

  172. O-(-<]: = skateboarder

    *Everything after this is new here as of August 21, 2001*

  173. {-_-} = In a trance

  174. -|<^_^&rt;|- = Count in a cape

You must remember, everyone does not have all of the emoticons. There are hundreds of them, these are the ones I could get my sticky little hands on. If you have one I don't have, again, feel free to send it in and I'll add it on.

Wanna print out this list? Just click here and you'll be set!

I think I have formed permanent blisters on my fingers now..