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Updated 01/31/03

Trades or Money Orders Only
Prices do not include shipping

New Trade Rules

These changes were made due to Bad traders
If we have not traded in the past, I need some references from people you have dealt with.
Your Ebay user name.
If none of this is available, then YOU SHIP FIRST!
I hope this doesn't offend you, but I will not be burnt again. My references are: all the people on my good traders list, plus my ebay user name is mrzimmy over 90 positives with no negitives.

I have switch my collection over to Nascar 1/24 cars. Mainly Dale Earnhardt and Dale Jr. Action, Elites, and Revell. No More Hot Wheels for me , except for the busses.

I have complete FE sets for sale, plus tons of others. If you need something special , drop me an email, I might have it. I have most of the 2001 series and FE cars , a few 2002 FE's, and tons of older FE's and series cars.

Complete 1998 FE set with some hard variations. I will sale the variations seperately, but I will not break up the set.

Complete 1999 FE set with some hard variations

Complete 2000 FE set with some hard variations

Complete 2001 FE set with sone hard variations

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1998 and earlier Hot Wheels
Links and Good/Bad Traders list
Zimmy's Wants List
Pictures of My collection and Customs
