Welcome, to the gut wrenching, pain giving, gatorade quenching world of Cross Country.
What would you like to know about the Greatest sport in the world?
Brief Description:
Cross Country is a sport run in the fall. It is a sport that needs mental training as well as alot of physical training to be able to maintain the indurance to run, and I mean RUN3.1 miles in sometimes under 18 mins!
Our Coach:
Dave Voorhees
Assistant Coaches:
Robert Smiley
Bryan Seymour
Current Members:
Our current Cross Country team consists of both Guys and Women, each running with the drive that maintains the sports digitnity.
Tim Williams
Nick Lee
Brad Balthaser
Aaron Wooster
Scott Voorhees
Walter Kreykenbohm
Eric ans Ryan Matthews
Ashley Tice
Don Austin
Adam Weis
And Jimmy
Sonja Shedden
Holly Matkins
Lyndsey Boor
Nicole Boor
Kim Welch
Jill Bellinger
Jen Leonard
Shelly VanBlarcom
Jesse Katala
Chrissy Shanks
Junior High Runners:
Brian Bellinger
Dustin Voorhees
Woody McDonald
Ryan Estep
Tersha Lee (Nick's Sister)
Amy McNeal
Erin Madigan
Past Members That will be missed
Tom Lee
Matt Ayres
Mike Simcoe
John Yurkanin
Chris Murray
Eric Weis
Rich Vanblarcom
Ryan Brewer
Dean Williams
Robert Smiley
Bryan Seymour
Scott Seymour
Our upcoming schedule for this fall will be added soon.