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Scrolls based on Medieval Grants & Patents

© Maitresse Yvianne de Castel d'Avignon, OL ... AEthelmearc
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Here are a few examples of the scrolls I have done
using period illuminated Grants or Patents for exemplars.

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Millrind scroll for Edmund Tregelles

This was the first scroll I did based on a medieval Grant of Arms and was a mish mosh
of what I could find to use as exemplars. Thankfully much more information is available these days.

The shield and mantling were left blank since the recipient's Arms had not been registered when the recognition was given. I have since painted them in, but unfortunately did not get a scan of the finished piece.

I learned a lot from doing this scroll... but mostly, I learned I like working in this style.

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OHM for martial authenticity for Henri d'Artois

This illumination for this scroll is based on an illuminated Grant of Arms (English, 1492)

The wording is based on a French Grant of Arms dated June 1, 1389.
More of my wordings based on historical documents can be viewed here.

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Baronacy scroll for Seoan O'Donndubhain

This scroll is based on the Patent given to the Company of Tallow Chandlers in London, 1493. When this award was given the recipient didn't have registered Arms. About a year after the honor was bestowed, I added the blazon & emblazon. I had a lot of fun making the text match and fit the area I had left for it. I enjoyed tooling the gold diapering behind the capital "A" and in the bend on his device.

I haven't done nearly enough scrolls in this style. Here's where I go sometimes
to get inspiration from what others have done, both in period and in the SCA.

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on this site. Please respect their legal rights.