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Adam's Page of Death!! just kidding...

Notice: All material contained within this page is original material written by yours truly, me, Adam Lugibill. Anyone copying it is not only in violation of the law, but is a total tool. If you want to use this stuff, just send me an e-mail.


Update News

Daily Thoughts

Newest Poems

Older Poems

Wesley Adams

Parisian Story (Incomplete)





Welcome to my page! As you'll quickly notice upon a bit of visitation, most of it is devoted to displaying my literary works for the world to see. The poems are generally short and easy to read, though often dark. The stories are mostly light-hearted and fun, which can be a welcome break from my sometimes overly self-absorbed poetry. I really enjoy most of the stuff on this site, though, and am proud of it -- I present it for your enjoyment, for better or worse. In some tough times writing these things was a key to making it through. It has been a matter of some pride for me that others have told me that it has helped them as well. That is the main reason I have kept this site up, and try to update it from time to time.

A while ago I started doing daily thoughts on the site as well, and have tried to keep them updated. It is a ton of fun and I know that I, regardless of anyone else's thoughts, enjoy doing it. Sometimes I read my entries from its beginnings and it makes me smile. And that's all that really matters.

I am very interested in your thoughts on the changes to this page, and on the writings themselves. It's easier to respond to e-mails, but the guestbook lets everyone know what you think and I think that's good, as well.
