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Deca Scientific Calculator, Industrial Math

Deca System Scientific Calculator


Math, it’s all relative:

Pi = 3.14
3.14 ÷ 4 = 0.785
The area of a circle can be found by using the formula "Pi x radius² " or by the formula "diameter ² x 0.785"

1.732 is a number used often in three phase calculations.
The square root of 3 is 1.732
1.41 is the constant multiplier when determining 45°distance runs from a right angle (90°).
For a right angle triangle: A² + B² = C², (Opposite side² + Adjacent side² = Hypotenuse²).
The square root of 2 is 1.41


Btu per hour x 0.293 = Watts
Kilowatts x 1.341 = Horsepower
Kilowatt-hour x 3412.14 = Btu
Horsepower x 746 = Watts
Horsepower x 550 = Foot-pounds per second
Horsepower x 33000 = Foot-pounds per minute
Horsepower x 42.4072 = Btu per minute
Watts x 0.00134 = Horsepower
Watts x 44.2537 = Foot-pound force per minute
Watts x 0.0568 = Btu per minute
Watts x 3.412 = Btu per hour
Watt second x 1 = Joule

1 Mil = 0.001 Inches
1 Circular Mil = 0.7854 Square Mil
1.27 Circular Mils = 1 Square Mil
Circular Mil of a BUS Bar = (Mils Width x Mils Thickness) ÷ 0.7854
Circular Mil of a ROUND Conductor = (Diameter in Mils)²
Mils to Metric: 39.37 Mils = 1 Millimeter
Mils to Metric: 1550 Circular Mils = 1 Circular Millimeter
Mils to Metric: 1974 Circular Mils = 1 Square Millimeter

Micro = 0.000001
Milli = 0.001
Centi = 0.01
Deci = 0.1
Deka = 10
Hecto= 100
Kilo = 1,000
Mega= 1,000,000

F° = Degrees Fahrenheit
C° = Degrees Centigrade
Degrees Fahrenheit = 32 + (9/5 x C° )
Degrees Centigrade = 5/9 x ( F° - 32 )

1 Inch = 2.54 Centimeters
1 Centimeter = 0.3937 Inches
1 Inch = 25.4 Millimeters
1 Millimeter = 0.03937 Inches
1 Foot = 0.3048 Meters
1 Meter = 3.281 Feet
1 Yard = 0.9144 Meters
1 Meter = 1.094 Yards
1 Mile = 1.609 Kilometers
1 Kilometer = 0.6214 Miles

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Henry J. Bacon
