Bethel #2, Connellsville PA
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Bethel #2, Connellsville PA

The International Order of Job's Daughters is a Masonic-affliated organization, whose primary goal is to " together young women for spiritual and moral upbringing, to inspire the desire for knowledge, to teach love of country and flag, love of home, respect of elders, and reverance for the Holy Scripture...", at least according to its mission statement. In real life, however, it is a great way to meet new people, and gain scholarships, leadership skills and many other things.

As the name implies, it is an world-wide organization, which is referred to as the Supreme Bethel. It broken up to state/country levels, known as Grand Bethels. The primary level of organization is the local chapter, or Bethel, which means "holy place".

The Pennsylvania Grand Bethel has thirteen bethels, spreading from as far East as York, and as far West as Connellsville. The present Grand Guardian (the adult leader of the state) is Becky Hubley, and the present Grand Bethel Honored Queen (the Daughter's leader) is Jessica Eshelmann.

Connellsville's bethel was the second to be chartered in the state, on June 14th, 1944. We have had one hundred and eleven terms of office, and our next installation is coming up in December. Our present Honored Queen (leader of the local chapter) is Nicole Richter.

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