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Timely Comics

Golden Age Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Mikel Midnight's Golden Age page. Lots of interesting information and useful links
Star Spangled Site- Golden Age Captain America site. Nice stuff
Stars and Stripes HQ-Another Excellent Golden Age Captain America Page
History of Superhero Comics-Good overview on the history of comics GA-present.
Volume One of the Marvel Universe-Be sure to check out All-Winners Society, as well as The Liberators
Captain America Center-Another cool Captain America site
Villains of Marvel Comics- Bring on the Bad guys.
Hoohah!-A nice webzine for Golden Age comics.
Timely Essays-Jess Nevin's fabulous history and essays on Timely and its heroes.
The company that was Timely Comics
Golden Age of Superheroes-A site about Timely with tons of potential.


Special thanks go out to Mikel Midnight, Jess Nevins and Jeanne Burch, as well as a host of others. More names later.

Welcome to my Timely Comics page. Timely Comics is the precursor to Marvel. Timely Comics were published in the era known as the Golden Age. It was a time of innocence. It was a time of amazing heroes, of Marvels. I don't have much up as of yet, but keep checking back. I'll update weekly. Right now, I have quite a few heroes up. Check them out, and then stop by later for more additions to the heroes and villains list. The purpose of this page is not only to provide information about Timely Comics to people, but also to provide information on TimelyMUSH, a MUSH I will hopefully be running in the fall.

The Heroes

The Villains

Current Appearances
Lev Gleason Page
Other Golden Age Heroes

The above categories hopefully provide fans and players alike with more information on Timely Comics. Soon I'll have a page up describing the atmosphere of the era for new players, and have more fan info up as well.
