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Jeeves & Wooster

What ho! Smashing to see you, old thing. Well, welcome to my Jeeves & Wooster web site. Please excuse the mess, we just moved you know, and Jenkins has yet to unpack. Jenkins! Where are you? Curse the man! Well, while Jenkins and I struggle to renovate the new place, I'll give you some smashing links to look up., Oh yes, we do have some of this bally work done. Check these pages out. Pip pip cheerio and come back soon.

  1. P.G. Wodehouse-A capsule bio of the man who created Jeeves and Wooster and the whole gang.
  2. Episode Guide-An episode guide to Jeeves and Wooster. I think it's a jolly good bit of info.

Jolly Good Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Hat Sharpening Shop- The best J&W page out there.
Junior Ganymede Club Book-Jenkins never really told me what it really is. I believe it's a FAQ
Sir Watkyn Bassett's HomePage- A great starting point; included Wodehouse in Russian.
