Titanic Sucks!

Ok they gone and done it , they pissed off Bobbychez (like that an infrequent occurrence) After flicking through HBO's 1- 72 today I was annoyed by the Titanic marathon playing. They played that lame three hour movie 9 times in one day ! (yes I know that adds up to 27 hours, but I swear it happened) This movie that set box office records (which will soon be shattered by a much more worthy movie on may 19th 1999) is conceivably the most overrated epic of all time. Its a sick and twisted tale, and a poor excuse for a love story! The moron, (played by the gaily delightful Leonardo de caprio) falls for this chick who is banging this real rich guy. She rips on him the whole first 19 hours of the movie, calling him trailer park trash, and yet he peruses her ? I would have told the slut to get lost after the first insult. After finally gaining her respect , only due the fact that the rich prick throws a hissy fit, he follows her around like a lost puppy dog. He even passes up a chance of escaping certain doom to be with his "one true love". Like it was the last time he'd ever get laid !!! Selfish bitch who so called loved him didn't even share her drift wood with him. After reciting the classic line " Don't ever give up" she drops his frozen ass in the deep blue sea at the first sign of rescuing herself! Then even 100 years later she shows her selfish ways again when the nice archeologists import her help to find that lost necklace. They give her drawing back, and the greedy bitch tosses the necklace she had the whole time, in the fricking drink!! What kind of thanks is that. And the biggest victim of the whole movie never even gets casted, THE MAN SHE MARRIES AND HAS THAT DAUGHTER TOO! The poor guy gets married to her and raises a family with her and all she does is have erotic dreams about some dead boy from a sunken boat ! Then in the ending , which I conceive to believe she dies, she gets to be with her one true love again aboard Titanic ...awww. Where is the poor bastard that married her ass in all of this ??? That's who she should have been reunited with, not fag boy Leo who she basically had a one night stand with. The movie could have been a lot better and shorter had 10 minutes into the movie , Leo would have had two pair instead of that full house and just folded ! CHEZ HAS SPOKEN! (the comments of Bobbychez are in no way a meant to demean the gay community or any gay gay man )

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