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Rosa McCain

Name: Naomi

Sex: Female

Birthday: November 17, 1983

Age: 24

Location: New York

Job: Sonic

Hobbies: Writing poems

Music: R&B, Alternative, and Rock

Fav Book: Anything about the midieval times and vampires, things in that area

Fav Movie: Willam Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet and The Crow (the 1st one)

Fav TV Show: Gundam Wing

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Love

Worst Feeling in the World: Having a broken heart

Best Feeling in the World: Being held

What Makes You Cry the Most: Having my heart broke and being used

Physical Description: Long (not too long) blond/brown hair, blue eyes, 5'8", 115 lbs


Ways to Contact Rosa

 ICQ Number - 78489779

 AOL Handle - Sariea Cloud