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HI, my name is Diane. I live in McAdoo, Pennsylvania. I am 17 years old, and am going into my freshman year of college. I will be attending Bloomsburg University. I will be majoring in Social Studies to hopefully become a highschool teacher. I think that i want to have a minor but I'm not sure what that will be.

My Dad's name is Andy. He works for the state. I have no idea what he does, so don't even ask me about it.. He has been working there for around 20 years, so he is pretty much getting ready to retire. My Mom's name is Cathy. She works at a place called PSI. She is a secretary. She has only been working there for about 4 years. I have two sisters. The older one is Caryl. She has just graduated from college. Now she works for a company called Chromatex. She is 20 years old. She just bought a new car so she is really excited. My twin sister's name is Debbie. She is also going to Bloomsburg University in the fall. We are probably going to room in the same dorm, but we are not going to be roomates. I think that I would end up killing her. She doesnt know what she wants to major in yet.

I'll tell you about some of my friends.I have a friend named Beth . We have been friends for awhile now. She is my sister Debbie's best friend. We met through my older sister when i was in the band. She is also going to Bloomsburg in the fall. I have another friend Corinne., she is probably my best friend ou tof all of them. We met in Junior Highschool and have been really good friends ever since. She is the person that i can always vent to. And last but not least there is Mike. He is Beth's brother. He is the closest thing to God himself. What can i say Mike is the man!!! Nuff said

Well that is justa little bit about myself. If you would like to get to know more abou tme, you can e-mail me or come and talk to me on icq.

nuff said

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