This sight was updated 09/23/12
This Web Page is dedicated to the area of Vintage Radio (1920's era) that we find fascinating - the free-standing speakers that were manufactured between the years of 1925 through 1928 - THOSE FABULOUS CONE SPEAKERS. These speakers are highly collectable today with collectors worldwide enjoying the hobby of collecting part of the history that our grandparents enjoyed many years ago. In the 1920's radio was similiar to the high tech electronics of today. It was new and exciting. In those days before the great depession, it took many hours wages working as a lumberjack, farmer, coalminer etc. to be able to pay for a new radio and speaker. It was a wonderful occasion when a family was able to purchase one. It became a gift for the entire family. As you page thru this website, just think about those days and what a joy it must have been to gather the family around their new radio, on a cold winters night, with the fireplace roaring, and listen to one of the very few radio programs available. They probably would have never thought that 80 to 90 years later collectors would be collecting, restoring and enjoying those very same radios and speakers that they had worked so hard to purchase. Just think, if they could only talk, they could tell more of the story.
We specialize in collecting and restoring these wonderful speakers. It's a thrill to bring one of these very important pieces of radio history back to life. We hope you find our pages informative and helpful.
This is just an example of the wonderful designs that were available during this very competitive time when you had to buy a separate speaker to listen to your new radio. The Tower "Adventurer", "Pirate Ship" and "Castle Cone" were favorites then and are highly prized today.
If you have any questions about the these speakers or any other speakers, please contact us by E-mail. We'll try to answer your questions.