Hello, and to my Redwall Index. Bookmark this page so that you can save typing (or put under favorites). Also remember to click refresh or reload every now and then, because this page gets updated a good bit (hopefully at least 5 days a week).
My name is Egbert the Scholar, you say you don't recognize my name from any Redwall books? I'm from the book "The Bellmaker", I am a mole. What you say, you're surprised that I am talking in recognizable English. You were expecting me to talk in mole speech, like this?
Walcim zurr, hurr hurr, oi em Egburt. Plees stay fur zupper, we are hoveng zoop, 'tober ale, chessnuttters, and cel'ry, stey hier yu liddle turrible rarscals, doan't lev, hurr hurr.
I guess that's enough of that. I've been educated too much to still talk in mole speech (you may already know that from reading "The Bellmaker". If you can figure what I just said (within a few words). I'll give you some of the best webpages I've found, including sites that will really help you, if you have a webpage.
I have been reading and writing down the names to the characters from the Redwall series. Then I put them in alphabetical order. It takes a lot of time, but as you may know summer starts to get a little boring. Now I only have 4 books, but it will be updated as much and as soon as possible. E-mail me, if you see any mistakes (misspellings, missing names, etc.). Thanks.
If you want to add any HTML scripts to HTML HELP, E-mail me with the address. | If you want scrolling text of ANY sort (there are a lot of different kinds), click here. | If you want to know how to do that color flash that you saw when you were loading my page, click here. | A lot more will be coming later. |
If you want to add an address to ODD LINKS (If you have a webpage and you want it linked) E-mail me with the address. | All about ME! ME! ME!! | My Personal chat room! | The official Redwall website. | |
The Long Patrol of Salamandastron | Mossflower Adventures | Do you want ANY photo or pic. scanned? E-mail me | Angelfire, the best place to make a webpage |
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