Welcome To Snow Hollow Home School
"Train up a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old, he will not depart from it," Proverbs 22:6

......and welcome to Snow Hollow Home School.
Our cozy home is nestled in the Endless Mountains
Region of Pennsylvania. We've just finished our eleventh year of homeschooling.
Homeschooling is not what we do,
it's how we live...

Homeschooling is a wonderful alternative to traditional education.
The really great things about it are:
- The one-on-one education itself. After all, who is more motivated
than we parents to encourage and help our children find answers to their own questions?
- The opportunities for enrichment are boundless. There are so very many activities
that are available like church, 4-H, dance, gym, and homeschool
- The flexibility to plan the 3 R's around our day's
activities and other interests is a wonderful plus.
- The children have time to pursue their own interests and make in-depth studies.
- While there is socialization
through activities and everyday encounters, homeschooled children are well equipt to withstand
peer pressure.
- Homeschooling is real life. We are teaching our kids how to live,
love, laugh and learn.