Theosebia Tryphena |
The Office of Deaconess
History of the Office of Deaconess
Deaconesses in the Early Church
Order for the Ordination of a Woman Deacon
From the collection of Archimandrite Ephrem Lash
Prayers for the Ordination of Women Deacons
as found in Georgian Manuscripts
The Third Way
Read about the restoration of the deaconess within the Coptic Orthodox Church.
Women in the Mission of the Church
Women's Role in the Church: One Woman's Perspective
Concerning Women's Ordination
A Letter to an Episcopal Friend by Father Alexander Schmemann
Women's Diakonia
The record of women's service or diakonia in the Church
Women's Role in the Church
Article by Ellen Gvosdev
Women Deacons in the Orthodox Church
Kyriaki Karidoyanes FitzGerald
Holy Cross Orthodox Press
The Female Diaconate: An Historical Perspective
Matushka Ellen Gvosdev
Light and Life Publishing Company
Holy Mothers of Orthodoxy
Eva Catafygiotu Topping
Light and Life Publishing Company
Holy Women of Russia
The Lives of Five Orthodox Women Offer Spiritual Guidance for Today
Brenda Meehan
Saint Vladimir's Seminary Press
The Deaconess in the Armenian Church
A Brief Survey
Fr. Abel Oghlukian
St. Nersess Seminary Press
Life of St. Nina, Equal-to-the-Apostles
Lives of the Female Unmercenary Saints
The Myrrhbearers in the Church of Jerusalem
In the original Greek: