My Story
Hi there, my name is Marisa (Mer-re-sa) and I live in Philadelphia with my wonderful husband Bill of 20 years. And a well rounded, 19year old beautiful daughter named Christina.
I came from a small town called Bristol, PA. And yes we did the Bristol Stomp. LOL. I'm a only child, and my mom stills living in Bristol.
One of the most intresting things that happen to me, was that I was a contestant on a game show in 1989 called "WIN, LOSE OR DRAW". It was one of the most exciting time in my life! I didn't win the game but I did win $900.00! They say we all get 15 mins of fame. Me, it was 30 mins. LOL
In March of 1995 I was hit by pneumonia. I
was bed riden
for 2
months I then came down with
Chronic Faitgue Syndrome (CFS). I was
so tired,
just walking from one room to another, got me
winded. The
B-12 shots once a week, kept me going. That
summer is
I painting the Divine Mercy picture.
Battling CFS, there
were days that I stayed in bed, I couldn't
even lift the
brush. But God triuphed! When I was
painting, I felt a
peace come over me, and a calm I've never
felt before. It
took me 2 months to paint Jesus. Even though
I was ill, it
was the best time of my life. I'm doing
better now.
Sometimes I get some symtoms, usually when
stress hits
me. A pill called enada has help me a great deal, go to to fine out how.
CFS never leaves your body. Remember, "I can do all
though Christ who strengthen me."
BILL, My husband, what can I say? Just that he is the most wonderful man in this world! Understanding, paitent, hard working, loyal, honest, smart, loving, and he does laundry too! I tell him as much as possable, "How did I get so Lucky to have a man like you?" The cards he picks out are the most beautiful you ever seen!
We meet in 1980, at a nite club near my house, called Syds. He was the DJ there. It took me 4 months to work on him. So on New Years Eve I said, "So when are you going to asked me out?" That work and our first date was Jan. 14 1981. By the 2nd date we know that we were met for each other.
I was 21 and he was 25. A perfect match. We like all the same things. On Feb. 14 1983 he proposed! We got married on June 23, 1984 and they called us Barbie and Ken. It was a big Italian wedding, with all the trimings (only child remember)! We went to Cove Haven (the Poncono's) for our Honeymoon. It was so romantic!
Two months later I was pregnant! "Good old catholic girl!" And on May 1 1985 Christina came into our lives! She was the best thing to happen to us. She a teenager now, and I'm so proud, a great young lady she is becoming.
Take care and God Bless,
Divine Calling
That is when I decided to paint the picture. My words to Jesus were "I'll only paint it if You help me". Before I even thought of painting on the canvas that I found in my garage, I sketched Jesus' face on plain paper. Since the only thing I had ever painted were landscapes (which I watched on public television. I had no formal art training!!) I was concerned about His face. His face looked fine so I decided to sketch the canvas. Sketching and erasing were done many times until I felt I had the correct effect. For painting the face I first used an old brush, amazingly that old brush did the trick. Later I went to a new one.
Then it come time to paint the hands. I went to Sister Faustina's diary for some inspiration, (Sister Faustina had a vision of our Lord appearing as Divine Mercy, and wrote a diary about it.) And in it I found these words:
And then I turned to Sisters' words:
I thought "WOW!", so I placed the quotes on my canvas so I would be inspired as I paint.
The feet took me three tries, but with the grace of the Lord, they were done. The beams were very hard also, but I continued to stroke the canvas until I felt it was porperly completed. The background was the most fun! The strokes just flowed all the way around and beauty came out. He must have held my hand! After that, the painting was complete except for the bottom inscription, "JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU!". I was afraid to paint it because my handwriting is very uneven.
For two weeks the words were on my mind and not on the canvas. A friend named Joe (who believes in Divine Mercy) told me to listen to the words before I write them. He had told me then that he and his prayer partners would pray for me.
Two nights later I was watching a show on EWTN (the catholic network). The show was on Divine Mercy with Father Cohen and knew it was time then to inscribe the words. It was midnight when I went to the canvas, praying as always before painting. With a feeling of peace, I took the brush in hand and painted the words, "JESUS I TRUST IN YOU!'. It came out in one try! Praise the Lord!
Since I know I must give the painting to the church, I wanted to get a photograph of it for remembrance. I took the painting over to a department store portrait studio (they have done some real nice pictures of my daughter). Well, the photographer in the store gave me a hard time, she said my portrait would come out blurry and didn't want to take the picture. I told her that I would take my chances. So she called her supervisor and got an O.K. to take the photograph. I put my trust in the Lord that the pictures would come out beautiful. This was my last chance to get my painting photographed since I had to get it framed that day for the Divine Mercy Conference, where it would be displayed.
I arrived at the framing store and was choosing a frame when a customer standing next to me said, "What a beautiful painting", and asked me if I had painted it. I replied, "Yes, with the help of the Lord!". He then asked if I have ever thought of getting it photographed. With amazement in my voice, I said, "WHAT!". To my surprise he said that he would like to photograph my painting for only the price of the film! Right away I said "When can we do this?". This is when a miraculous thing happened. He replied "Now". We went into the parking lot with the salesman who helped me hold my picture while my new found photographer friend pulled out his enormous cameras from his van. He took the whole roll of film and told me to get it professionally developed. I thanked him and got his card, (I thought he was an angel from the sky). When I received the pictures back from the department store they were cloudy and not centered. My miracle pictures couldn't have been better! I know the Lord sent me this photographer so I could keep the original painting, which was so much apart of me. The picture, now hanging in the church, is from that miraculous encounter. I love you, and thank you Jesus!
What an experience I had in that picture. From the beginning to the end, I felt Him with me. I feel filled with the Holy Spirit and I thank Him for that. To be chosen by the Lord is an awesome gift. As you all know we are all here to spread the word of His mercy. As I write the end of my experience, the tears are coming. My tears tonight feel good since they are cleansing joyful tears and I know they are tears for Him.
A true story by: Marisa R.
The Chaplet of Mercy
In 1935 Our Lord taught Blessed Faustina a special prayer for mercy:
"Encourage souls to say the Chaplet ... Whoever will recite it will receive great mercy ... Through the Chaplet you will obtain everything. if what you ask for is compatible with My will" (Diary, 1731).
How to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, my
thanks to
Joseph FG.
1. A
complete site on Apparitons of Our Most Holy
Mother. (check
out Garabandal)
2. Our Lady of Guadalupe. This is a most beautiful site of the apparition in 1531 of Our Mother.
3. The place where you can find info on Divine Mercy.
4. The
best site on Divine Mercy! Go to the
5. Great website on our Mother.
updated 12-04