Zephrin's Home of the Lesbian Gamer

Greetings fellow D&D Dykes! Welcome to the Sanctuary. And for those women gamers who do not happen to be Lesbian Americans, welcome to you too! ^_^ It's not easy being a chick who knows what THACO stands for or who has one of the rockingest Red/Green/Black decks Magic: the Gathering has ever known, is it? This is the sister site of The RPG Goddess run by my good web-friend, La Femme Joueur.

This site will eventually host my blatent ass-ravings, er, essays on gaming, reviews of gaming stuff, ect. Plus, I encourage you to send in character stories, artwork, articles, anything you want. And I know I'm not the only lesbian gamer out there, so come on, come out of the, um, dice-closet and join your sisters at the table! We've got cold sodas and a big bowl of chips waiting.

For now, here a collection of my characters, with some pictures, histories, and other stuff I've written for them:

My Humble Characters

Dykeula - Webcomic of a friend and fellow lesbian gamer!

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Proud Pagan Website - Rejoyce With the Goddess!

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