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Looking Through The Eyes of...


Hello there, web visitors. Welcome to my web page. I would love for you to take a few minutes and get to know me. I am a Senior in High School. I have brown hair with blonde highlights. Depending on what I am wearing my eyes are green or blue. I am 17 years old. I have my license and I love driving. I will be attending business school next fall. My nickname is Gretche or Tigger. (You will notice that I have a lot of Tigger pictures posted throughout my web page.) I have a job working in the local pharmacy. I tutor Elementary School during my study halls, if possible, or I help the secretaries in the office of either building. I sometimes volunteer at the Information Desk at the hospital. I am told I am friendly, lovable and I have a beautiful smile. So, relax, kick back and enjoy my pages. You will find that they are mostly of my family, friends, and boyfriend. Thanks for stopping by and drop me a line, either by email or through my guestbook.

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I Love:

  • penguins
  • taking long walks
  • motorcycles
  • roses
  • emailing friends or writing letters to them
  • writing poetry or short stories
  • driving my little Dodge Neon

Some Cool Links

Photo Gallery
My Poetry Corner
Link to My Friends Pages
BlueMountain Card Company
My School's Homepage
