The Oneness of Being: Remembering God's Presence as the Living Christ Mind. Happiness is Being Awake. I am the Love to Which the Bible and the Urantia Book testify. I am the Spirit Which A Course In Miracles®ACIM® points to. Free Online Audio Resources (Click Here)
Listen, Learn, Do Listen to the Holy Spirit Learn to forgive Do only as the Holy Spirit instructs "Be you perfect. The Kingdom of Heaven is within. The things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."--the Bible Lord, what miracles would You have me do today. If I am ready and willing, I am assured You will perform them through me. Amen. Greetings Beloved One! First Time Visitor (Click Here) Uncovering and Releasing the Ego All questions dissolve in Love: The Experience That Ends All Questions
"The Sinlessness Within" Click on the mountain valley above to learn more about the videos available from our foundation on a donation basis.
David at Bryce Canyon, Utah. This backdrop was the setting for filming the short video: "The Sinlessness Within." David's descent into the canyon is symbolic of descending into the mind. The Foundation for The Awakening Mind offers materials as aids to teaching and learning true forgiveness.
The Foundation for the Awakening Mind is established for the purpose of teaching and learning true forgiveness, laying aside all grievances, and living and extending inner peace. First and foremost, we shall encourage prayer and meditation and the laying aside of judgment as the means of achieving the learning goal. We are a nonprofit corporation organized for religious and educational purposes, recognizing that true forgiveness is Divinely inspired and must be thoroughly taught and learned and accepted to be experienced. Everything we share is freely given and may be copied, reprinted, and shared in Joy with no cost, for it is associated with no price. Give as God Gives and You shall Know Thy Self and the Source of All Being.
Movie Watcher's Guide to Enlightenment
Use the link above or the one to the right to access this offering. An e-mail address is provided on the right as well if you'd like to request the Movie Watcher's Guide to Enlightenment be delivered to your inbox. As with everything we share, this is a free gift, offered in Love as a tool in the Great Awakening to Love. Movies can be used as a way of forgiving, of undoing judgment, of releasing false concepts, and, ultimately, experiencing the depth and meaning of the True Inner Self. They can be a means to get in touch with and release limiting beliefs and come to a resolution of inner conflict. They need not be used as a means of escapism, distraction, or fantasy fulfillment, all of which are ego reinforcement.Movies are like modern-day parables. They offer a backdrop for experiencing deeper awareness and purpose, the detached, fearless Perspective from which it is apparent "all things work together for good." For those who have the ears to hear and eyes to see, movie watching can offer insights a plenty into the very heart of the Soul. This guide is a list of movies that can help uncover the Innocence and Beauty that is the Real Self as God created It. This Guide to Enlightenment will list movies that can be helpful in Awakening to Truth. Metaphysical and forgiveness themes will be the focus.
To make a tax-deductible donation to our foundation please make a secure online donation to our foundation by using the button below or the donation page on the main web site:
Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated. It helps us continue our work in serving the Plan of Awakening in the Love of God. Print a copy for your records. Thanks for your continuing support!
Audio & Video Segments of Dialogues on "Awake In The Dream." -With Penelope & David. There are 4 audio segments (below and to the right) of about 28 minutes. You will need a RealPlayer8 from (free download button below) to enjoy all these audio clips and the following video clips. There are two 1998 video clips (Click the link above) for 56K, and many 2000 video clips (below and to the right) for 56K and broadband connection users. The audio versions take a fraction of the time it takes to download the video versions, so both are provided below. Each segment streams to your computer and the time varies for DSL and Cable Modem broadband users and the more common 56K dial-up connections to the Internet.
The Foundation for the Awakening Mind makes the videotape versions of the programs available, as with everything, on a donation basis. Enjoy. As always, send us your requests. A button link for RealPlayer is provided below. Download & install the free RealPlayer 8 Basic (on the lower left of the web site after you click the button below) and you are ready to play these audio & video files and many other audio/video media on the Net. Everyone is invited to partake of these profound and inspired dialogues. If you have RealPlayer on your computer, be sure to enjoy a concert at our Musicians' Pavillion. If you haven't already downloaded RealPlayer 8 Basic (free), click the button above to download and install RealPlayer, then come back to the Musicians' Pavilion near the top of our web site on the left hand column. Enjoy the inspired music! It is truly a gift from Heaven.
The New Testament Online (Click book to read now) The textbook of Christian Science is Science & Health: With key to the scriptures(c) *Online*(Click book to read now)
Glory to God! Peace be with You always. If you are Guided to tell a friend about Awakening in Joy, our web site, the awakeninginchrist online message archive & email delivery, the video clips, or any of our free resources, a (Tell a Friend) tool is provided below for your Divine Ease:
Where there is Faith there is Love
Where there is Love there is Peace
Where there is Peace there is God
Where there is God there is...
no need
Visit the PeaceHouse if you travel near Cincinnati, Ohio. We are happy to behold your Divinity Beloved One of God! Glory to God in the Highest, and Good Will to All.
The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall not want. For God created Me as Spirit, Whole & Complete. Spirit I Am, Eternally.
Circle of Light Transformation Webring ![]()
Welcome! Discover the Oneness of Being
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Visits for quiet retreat, meditation, in-depth conversation, or prayer at the PeaceHouse are welcomed. Write to us for more information.
Thank You God! Thank You Christ, Beloved Self! Thank You Holy Spirit, Constant Reminder of Holiness! Amen. Divine Love is without an opposite. What is the Same cannot be different, and What is One cannot have separate parts. Rejoice!!!
Online Video Selections (See Main Site) - Use RealPlayer (button on left column).
Click HERE for more information about the powerful and profound path to Salvation/Enlightenment/Awakening called A Course In Miracles® (ACIM®).
We are happy to link to a workbook "lesson of the day" from Jesus Christ in A Course In Miracles® (ACIM®). Many thanks to the Foundation for Inner Peace for offering this gift to everyone. RealPlayer, a free software download (button on left column below) is needed to listen to this audio presentation & many audiovideo clips. Visit daily for words that point to a Silence and Love and Wisdom beyond all words and concepts and symbols. For location, contact info, & meeting time info. of worldwide A Course In Miracles® (ACIM®) groups CLICK HERE Living a Life of Trust
Divine Providence is the Source of Sustenance in serving the Plan of Awakening to Joy. I see that the travels and gatherings and work with brothers and sisters from all over the world have all been orchestrated by the Holy Spirit in the Plan of Awakening. I attribute all "earthly forms" of support to the Holy Spirit, for truly the Miracle is the means to Awakening and the Miracle encompasses all. The forms have seemed to be many and varied. The gatherings, the cassette tape/video tape/journal offerings, the video-gatherings, the counseling sessions, the phone sessions, and the Internet ministry have always been offered freely. No one has ever been turned away and there is never any expectation of compensation.
The mission continues Now, inspired by the Holy Spirit's Purpose. Freely Christ has given the Gospel to live and to give, and freely I extend the Gift. It is an honor and a joy to share the Love of God, and as Jesus once said: "The messenger is worth his keep." Everything I have ever thought I needed in serving God's Plan has been provided. Holy Spirit watches over the Plan, and I am assured that this Watchful Care continues as long as any need is experienced. He has been with us always as we carry on our simple mission. Whatever we have seemed to need, be it a car, a meal, a place to stay, or a calm, gentle reminder, all our needs have been met by Him. There is a calmness of heart in turning all perceived problems and needs over to Him and listening for His sure Guidance.
Our foundation offers everything freely and has nothing to sell. We do accept donations offered in support of Christ's mission. The Bible, A Course In Miracles® (ACIM®), Science and Health: With key to the scriptures(c), and The Urantia Book(c) can be purchased online at Barnes & Noble affiliates. If you would like to support our foundation and its work with a donation each time you make any online purchase, CLICK HERE to join and participate with iGiveThanks!