The first thing I would like to do is thank my son for his help
in creating this page. I am not a writer nor am I a computer expert. You may
notice these facts as you read on through the text of this page. But this page
wasn't meant to be fancy nor was it to show off my ability as a writer.
All this page is intended to do is to help draw attention
to the Vietnam Veteran. The living and the ones who gave up their life for a
cause in which they beleived in. For those who served in a war which many
did not even consider a war, but referred to it as a conflict or police action. I was
there with countless numbers of other Americans. Americans who came from all
different types of lifestyles. From all fifty states they came. Many of them just
kids barely out of high school. Kids who never even heard of Vietnam. Kids who
had their whole lives ahead of them. Kids who didn't even understand the cause
for which they were fighting. The only thing they knew was that their country
called and they had to go. And go they did. Many of them never to return home
again alive. Ask them if it was a war. Ask the countless number of disabled
Vietnam Vets if it was a war. And God bless the nurses who served there. They
saw the results and had to contend with the consequences. Ask them if it was
a war.
And lets not forget the cause of the MIAs and the POWs. They should always be remembered. Lets bring them home.
The following is a poem which I was inspired to write and dedicate to all the men and women who died in the Vietnam War.
I feel that the cause of all American Veterans should be remembered. When their country called they came. They went and many didn't return. Today many of our Vets are homeless and living in the streets. Is this the way a country repays its Veterans? No human being should have to endure such hardships. And no human being should ever have to march off to war. Without war this world would truely be a better place to live. The leaders of this world should take into mind this quote:
It has been my decision through the encouragement of others to expand this page. So I have gathered a series of photos that were taken throughout different parts of the war. Anyone who has any pictures or short stories that they would like to share with others are welcome to mail them to me in order for me to publish them on this site.
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Operation Starlite__1965
Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol--Lurps
This flag flies at half staff in memory of my hero who served in the 77th Infantry Division in the South Pacific during World War Two. My Father passed away on October 31, 2003. He will always be with me in heart and mind and never forgotten.