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Libertarianism; what is it?

Fights about everything from tax laws to subsidies to zoning to regulations on business to education are an endless series of expensive, unproductive battles for control of other people's lives, or to give some people favors at other people's expense.

In the process, the other parties transfer money, power and personal freedoms away from individuals to central governments.

In total contrast, Libertarians want neither your money nor your freedoms. In order to be truly free, we believe each of us must have control of ourown incomes, and we respect the right of others to choose for themselves how they will live.

Libertarians believe money is used most wisely by those who earn it. We want to restore fully every person's right to control their own actions in honest, voluntary cooperation with others, in both their personal and business relationships.

This genuine tolerance for diversity in any society is, at its foundation, an attitude of "live and let live" - a refusal to use the arbitary powers of government to allow others to impose their will on us, or to impose our will on other people.

Libertarians oppose the initiation of force.

As Plato said, the triumph of persuasion and cooperation over force is the sign of a civilized society; taxation and force are the prices we pay for failing to build a civilized society.


The label "Democrat" or "Republican" tells nothing about how a person will stand on any issue. Neither party has any underlying philosphical principles, however they do share a basic attitude and motivation. The statements and conduct of the leadership of both the old parties manifest an elite and arrogent attitude. They have no respect for the rights of the people. They see you and I as a means to there ends; as if we were a resource for them to exploit.

In contrest, the Libertarianapproach is logicaly consistent with the moral principle of self ownership. Your life is yours, Your property is yours. All Libertarianpositions are consistent with the idea that each individual has a right to control his or her own body, action, speech and property. The only proper role for government is to protect and defend the rights of the people and to otherwise stay out of there lives.

For more information on Libertarianism readLib ertarianism: A Primer or contactThe Libertarian Party of Erie County.

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