heres my poem... read it sideways or whatever i had a chicken the chicken is sick i took the chicken out back and i said "hey you you dumb fuckin chicken you better get better or i'll fukin kill you and all your fuckin chicken children.! you hear me you kok suckin faggot chicken?!? i'll rip out your spine and eat your fuckin brains i'll fukin kill you! i will fuckin destroy you ya fuckin chicken! i'll eat your fukin brains i'll eat your mothers fukin brains you better fukin get better cos i am real fuckin angry and theres no tellin what i'll fuckin do but i'll tell you somethin you fuckin chicken its gonna hurt goddammit it'll hurt real fuckin bad you hear? do you fuckin hear me, you fuckin chicken ???? i'm fuckin friends with tom fuckin dobb and after i get done kicken yer sorry little chicken ass he'll fuckin kick it! fuckin twice! i'll break all your fuckin toes goddam fuckin chicken! so you got 2 fuckin options you goddam motherfuckin chicken piece of shit you either get fuckin better real fuckin fast or you get in your fuckin car, your fuckin chickenmobile, and you drive away from here as fast as you fuckin can and you pray you motherfuckin pray that i dont fuckin catch you you fuckin chicken cos if i do its fuckin over for you fuckin over! and i fuckin mean it ! i got friends ya know i'll invite them all up and they'll fuckin kick yer ass till you drop fuckin dead then they'll spit on your disgusting chicken carcas and they'll laugh at you you dumb fuckin chicken they'll laugh and say, `look at the dumb motherfuckin chicken piece of shit we kicked his sorry little ass pretty fuckin good'.. and then they'll take a shit on your fuckin little chicken head and piss all over you and they'll laugh some more then i'll go out back and get the truck and run over your fuckin dead chickin body your fucker and i'll squish your little fuckin chicken brains under the big fuckin wheels of my big fuckin truck and then i'll get mad and i'll fuckin take your fuckin carcas and let the fuckin dogs play with it awhile and they'll fuckin rip you apart good and me and tom dobb and the rest of my fuckin friends will laugh a whole fuckin lot when my fuckin mutts are rippin you apart you sorry little piece of shit ! and do you want this to fuckin happen? well do ya? i dont fuckin think so! so you better hurry the fuck up and get better! ok? cos you're not in a fuckin position to say no... you fuckin say no and i'll fuckin braek your fuckin neck right fuckin now you fucking dirty shit covered poor excuse for motherfuckin poultry you make me so fuckin sick i might just fuckin vomit all over your goddam motherfuckin chicken carcas and if you dont fuckin like it then thats too fuckin bad becos i'm fuckin god here and you're fuckin nothin i could go and fuck your fuckin mother right fuckin now and you couldnt do a goddam motherfuckin thing about it and if you tried i'd just break your fuckin body in 2 you scrawny little piece of shit" then i dropped dead and the chiken ate me