Hi there Folk's
, tighten your seat belt's and go to visit the partially constructed 9th
wonder of the world, i.e, . I have been busy in constructing this page for
past three days. So, I don't think that some of the topics that are mentioned here are upto the mark as it
should have been. But I promise that in the future day's to come I will update my page with lot of juicy and
spicy information and I am sure with your help, suggestions and comments I will
definitely be able to make this page a long lasting remembrance for you.
To know something more about me click the above icon or follow this link.
I will solicit your comments and suggestions for making this home page a success.
You can send me a snail mail at the following address. In case of an email please
click on the name or the following link.......
Pavan Krishnamurthy(Sonu),
Please take a minute to fill out my guest book for my information......
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