Ravens Claw Tattoo
Hello! My name is Matt Stone aka MattAttack. This page is dedicated to the one thing I love in life.......TATTOOS!!!
Well, well, well....What's up everyone. I know, I know...it's been 7 months since my last update...but this is a good one. I have taken down all my old pics and put up new ones...I even have a new gallery just for cover-ups. I have been busy. I just moved to Savannah, GA and what a culture shock. I don't mind the heat, it's just the damn bugs! I miss the shop in Pittsburgh(In The Blood Tattoos), and everybody I was in contact with there. I was working along side some other great artist(Justun Wanted and Marion D.) It was a pleasure working with both of you. I still have the same e-mail..so if you want to drop me a line go ahead and I will get back to you. Thank you! Hope you enjoy the new pics!!Cheers!!Updated 08/01/2005
Email: stone7t6@msn.com
New Work!! New Work 2!!Cover Ups!!Connie's Tattoo Gallery
Rest in Peace Brandon!!
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