"I never turned blue in somebody else's bathroom. I consider that the height of bad manners."
"There's only one fatal disease, I've concluded. It's called hypochondria. And it is deadly." submitted by Evan Meagher
"My one worry is falling over on stage. This may sound absurd, but I actually slipped on a hamburger in Hamburg once, and almost fell off stage."
"I have to live with me...and I wouldn't follow me anywhere."
"I would rather be a legend than a dead legend."
"is my local groupie in? 'ello dahlin', 'ow are ya?" submitted by Dini
"Art is the last thing I'm worried about when I'm writing a song.
As far as I'm concerned, art is just short for 'Arthur.'" submitted by Machiel Kolstein
"If there ain't nothing left in the bar, then you're going to seek refuge
in the Mother Fist and her five daughters... It's a lot less trouble and there's a
lot more room in the bed." submitted by Machiel Kolstein
"because we couldn't remember their fucking names" Keith, when asked why the new album was called Some Girls. submitted by Evan Meagher
"I don't want to knock the Dust Brothers, but it was really the wrong choice. Mick & I cut the first go on that song, he gave it to the Dust Brothers...and it just got worse & worse. It was the first track cut, and it still ain't finished. Luckily I saved the original take."
"Mick sits at the synthesizer with headphones on, which I consider a prison. This is like, 'Are you wearing those things because you don't want to be interfered with? Or are you just jerking off?' See, the synthesizer worries me."
"I mean, I've had enough of bloody rap. I mean, 'Mary had a little lamb, his fleece was white as fuckin' snow.' What's the attraction of that? This is kindergarten shit."
"You know, I knew Muddy Waters up until the last months of his life. And the guy was never, ever just doing a gig. Never. He was always pushing, up until the last minute. That's an inspiration to me-that's the sort of analogy I go for."
"I don't need to go to the gym like Mick. I carry a five pound guitar around with me- 2 1/2 hours with the Stones will keep you fighting trim."
" I enjoy being Keith Richards because I don't have to be one particular thing. I can spread myself around a bit...I'm always going to be cropping up and laying something on you."
"Charlie Watts is playing better than ever. I've never heard him play so crisp, so tight, so powerful. I have no words, he's such a joy to play with."
" There's a demon in me, and he's still around. Without the dope, we have a bit more of a chat these days."
"As they say in Jamaica, it is rough to be de king, mon."
"I'll tell you what I like. I like hanging with black people. It's so much easier. They think I'm one anyway, I'm just in disguise."
"Ronnie's a great mixture of talent & bullshit."
"Charlie Watts is my absolute favorite. He has all the qualities I like in people. Great sense of humor, a lovely streak of eccentricity, a real talent, very modest."
"I love Mick. Most of my efforts with Mick go to trying to open his eyes: "You don't need to do this. You have no problem, all you need to do is just grow up with it.' "
"Mick should stop trying to be Peter Pan. I don't see the point of trying to be 25 when you're not-he's obsessed with his age."
" Why have Mick & I stayed together all this time? Well, we do so somewhat reluctantly."
"I was always very impressed with Mick Taylor. He is a great guitar player. I always got on well with him. In the early days I wasn't as close to him because Mick Taylor is a very reserved guy."
" Bill's this very non-commital guy, which is why I can't talk to him on the phone."
"This music is all about beautiful fuck-ups & recoveries."
"I didn't say I was a rhythm guitarist, other people made my reputation for me."
"There's no reason for my guitar being called Micawber, apart from the fact that it's such an unlikely name. There's no one around me called Micawber, so when I scream for Micawber everyone knows what I'm talking about."
"I think I was born with the Keef Riff..."
"Like I said many years ago, I never had a problem with drugs, only with cops."
"People hate themselves anyway. If it wasn't smack, they'd hate themselves for eating carrots. You can bet on it."
"I'm tired of being number one on the naughty boys drug poll. It's time they picked on someone else."
"If you are going to get wasted, then get wasted elegantly."
"I only ever get ill when I give up drugs."
"Being famous is ok, but in the courtroom it only works against you."
"The only thing Mick & I disagree about is the band, the music and what we do."
"The problem is that no-one is used to a band being around this long.
Its very hard for me to think that half the audience we play to can't
remember a world without the Rolling Stones. We've become like the air
you breathe. The sun comes up, the stars come out and a new Stones
album appears every couple of years." submitted by Stretch-Mo
When told that Marianne Faithful said that Keith was a better lover than
Mick, Keith says:
"She should know."
Interviewer: Did it have the ring of truth?
Keith: "Well, I wouldn't know. I've never made love to him" submitted by Stretch-Mo
" I must say, in fairness to the poppy, that never once have
I had a bad cold." submitted by Kathy K
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