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Revered Icons
of the Birth-giver of God
in the Carpathian Regions

Our Lady of Mariapocs

Original icon enshrined in St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna

Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Also known as the "Theotokos of the Passion"

Our Lady of Klokocov

The Mother of Sorrows

Also known as the "Softener of Hard Hearts"

Courtesy of Iconographer Raymond J. Mastroberte

The Mother of Sorrows

Also known as the "Aktyrskaya"

Courtesy of St. John's Russian Orthodox Cathedral

Our Lady of Czestochowa

Our Lady of Pochaev

Our Lady of Zarvanytsia

Our Lady of Zhyrovitsi

A Festal Procession in a Carpathian Village

Women Processing with Icon of the Virgin

You are listening to
"Christijane Proslavljajme - Let us Christians"
a traditional Carpathian hymn to the Virgin Mary.
MIDI arranged by D. M. Mastroberte,
based on 4-part arrangement by M. P. Hilko.

This For the Love of the Blessed Virgin Mary Webring site is owned by
David M. Mastroberte.

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