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The Sara Experience

The Sara Experience

In a shopping mall far far away there was a booksigning. At this booksigning people gathered. These people had met over the distance of the internet, conversing freely with each other despite the fact a face couldn't be put to the words. But on this fatefull day a face was discovered, and lo, it was very good.

Sara Douglass in a moment of joy.

Alana and Dew

Tanya and Alana

The whole happy family.

ALBUM ~ * ~ Sara's Spot ~ * ~ HOME

This little warning is just here for the sake of warning. Why anyone would actually want to steal a picture of myself or any of my friends elludes me but just in case you do actually have urges in this direction I sincerely advise you against it lest "the powers that be" strike you down with a case of gout.