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The Rogues

(Formerly known as The Rogue Miniatures Faction of the Eastern Pennsylvania Gaming Society)

Our tribute to our friend, John Grimes

In Flanders Fields
by John McCrae, May 1915

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep,
though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.


A typical day on the Rogues Yahoo Group...

- A point will be raised
- Kurt will respond with an unbiased (?) analysis
- Eric will rage
- Greg will rant and then contradict himself with the next email
- Michael will chastize us
- Jeff will laugh
- Scott will be blamed
- All will agree on what a great idea it is to blame Scott
- Things go back to normal





An Introduction to the Rogues

The Rogues grew out of the Eastern Pennsylvania Gaming Society when we had enough people in the group to hold a separate meeting from the normal club meeting on the third Saturday of each month. Since we were still (sort of) affiliated with EPGS, we called ourselves the Rogue Miniatures Faction, etc. Unfortunately we have been unable to continue meeting on the first Saturday of each month but we have become a close group of friends who all enjoying playing miniatures and our collective knowledge spans most of the major wars through history (and a lot of minor ones too). Most of our members live in Pennsylvania or New Jersey but we are growing to include some far-flung friends. This webpage is one means to keep our friends up to date on what we are doing.

Prior to Historicon '98, the Rogues mainly put on a "come have some fun, drink, roll dice and kill things" game called Midnight Massacre. After Historicon '97, some members of the group got the idea to put on a game that would use essentially the same terrain but cover over 2000 years of warfare. Thus was born the Ironman. Much planning and work went into Ironman '98 and we all feel it went pretty well considering how much was involved in pulling it off. After Historicon '98, we were asked by HMGS officials if we could host games in addition to the Massacre at future conventions. I think we can all agree that that means we're doing something right.



What's New

Who we are

What we do

Future games

Rules we recommend

Book Reviews

Convention After Action Reports (with pictures!)

Hints and Tips (Painting and Terrain Making)


Miscellaneous Pictures

Who we are

- Bruce Barlow

- Mitchell Bates

- Pete Bentivegna

- Paul Bernardino

- Ethan Cadoff

- Fred Dilger

- Daniel Grimes

- John Grimes

- George Gariffo

- Tony Iglesias

- Jeff Kimmel - Homepage

- Kurt Kramer

- Scott Landis

- Greg Markert

- Victor Magazini

- Bill Moreno

- Michael Panzer - Homepage

- Gwyn Reeves

- Dave Reiners

- Vince Stella

- Eric Turner

- Bob Varas

- Steve Varas



What we do

The pictures on this page hopefully convey what it is our group does. First and foremost our hobby is about having fun. Secondly its about painting figures and lastly its about studying military history and uniforms and putting it on the playing surface. When asked what periods we cover, it turns out to be almost easier to ask what periods we DON'T cover but here it is. Eventually there will be pictures of each period to illustrate what each one is. The After Action Report page has many photos from our past games.

Ancients - 5mm, 15mm, 25mm

Medieval - 15mm, 25mm

Rennaissance - 15mm

English Civil War - 5mm, 15mm

Marlborough - 15mm

American War of Independence - 25mm

Napoleonics - 5mm, 15mm, 25mm, 54mm

American Civil War - 5mm, 10mm, 15mm, 15mm Ironclads, 25mm

Mexican-American War - 25mm

British Colonial - 15mm, 25mm

World War II - 5mm, 15mm, 25mm, 1/300 aircraft, 1/3000 ships

Modern - 5mm

Fantasy - 15mm

Sci-Fi - 10mm Mechs

Zombies - 25mm


Last updated November 2, 2015

Created and maintained by Jeff Kimmel

