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undefined *TRIVIA FACTS*



SEVEN DEADLY SINS: Pride, Avarice, Wrath, Envy, Gluttony, Sloth and Lust.

SEVEN Dwarfs: Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy and Sneezy.

SEVEN SEAS: Indian, North Pacific, South Pacific, Antarctic, Arctic, North Atlantic and South Atlantic.

SEVEN VIRTUES: Faith, Hope, Charity (Love), Fortitude, Justice, Prudence and Temperance.

SEVEN WONDERS OF THE WORLD Antiquity: Colussus of Rhodes, Egyptian Pyramids, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Lighthouse at Alexandria, Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, Statue of Zeus at Olympia and the Temple of Diana at Ephesus.

SEVEN WORKS OF MERCY: Bury the dead. Clothe the naked. Feed the hungry. Give drink to the thirsty. House the homeless. Tend the sick. Visit the fatherless and afflicted.

SEVEN HILLS OF ROME: Aventine, Cailian, Capitoline, Esquiline, Palatine, Quirinal and Viminal.

SEVEN WONDERS OF THE WORLD Middle Ages: Catacombs of Alexandria, Coliseum of Rome, Great Wall of China, Leaning Tower of Pisa, Mosque of St. Sophia at Constantinople, Porcelain Tower of Nanking and Stonehenge at Salisbury Plain, England.

The first home TV set was demonstrated in 1928 and the size of the screen was 3-inches by 4-inches.

President George Washington owned foxhounds named DRUNKARD, TIPLER and TIPSY.

As a twelve-year-old contestant, star PATTY DUKE won over $8,000 on the TV game show "THE $64,000 CHALLENGE".

It takes 110 domestic silkworm cocoons to make a man's tie and 630 to make a blouse.

PHILLIP DRINKER and Louis Agassiz Shaw built the first IRON LUNG with two vacuum cleaners at Harvard University in 1927. Iron Lungs are known as DRINKER RESPIRATORS.

The first vending machines in the United States were installed on New York City train platforms in 1888 and dispensed CHEWING GUM.

For his first JAMES BOND film Dr. No, 32-year-old SEAN CONNERY received a reported $16,500. By 1966, his salary was $750,000.

"IN GOD WE TRUST", motto of United States, adopted July 30, 1956, first appeared on US coins in 1864.

CHRISTMAS became a National Holiday in the U.S. in 1890.

The FIRST TRANSOCEANIC CABLE MESSAGE was sent on August 16, 1858 and said "Europe and America are united by telegraph. Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace and good will towards men".

BUDDY was the name of the FIRST SEEING EYE DOG in AMERICA, brought to the U.S. in 1928 from Switzerland by owner Morris Frank.

The Pony Express only lasted 18 months, from April 1860 to October 1861.

The Lone Ranger's mask was made from the vest of his dead brother Capt. Daniel Reid by Tonto.

Actor JAY SILVERHEELS who played the character TONTO retired from showbusiness in 1984 and became a HARNESS-RACING DRIVER.

DERRY CHURCH, PA was the original name of the town known today as HERSHEY, PA home of HERSHEY CHOCOLATE.

CLEO and CAESAR were early stage names of CHER and SONNY Bono.

1967 introduced NEW Words and Phrases into our vocabulary: Boutique, Hippie or Hippy, Teeny-Bopper, Nitty Gritty, Permanent Press, Narc, Hipsters, Kinky, Public Television, Scam, Swap Meet and Think Tank. Counterculture figurehead Dr.Timothy Leary advises, "Turn on, tune in, drop out".

TV's MR.ED who's real name was Bamboo Harvester, was once a parade horse. He was bought for $1,500 by Filmway Productions.

Stephen Stills, John Sebastian and Paul Williams all failed auditions to become members of the MONKEES.

JIMI HENDRIX was the opening act for the MONKEES on their first tour.

The parts of the human body that have only three letters are: arm, ear, eye, gum, jaw, leg, lip, rib and toe.

Ian Fleming, creator of the JAMES BOND adventure novels also wrote "CHITTY-CHITTY BANG BANG".

The last time a cigarette commercial appeared on TV was December 31, 1970.

Benjamin Franklin wanted the TURKEY as the national symbol of the United States.

According to SMURF legend, a baby SMURF is born "Once in a Blue Moon".

The U.S. Post office introduced the Zone Improvement Plan (Zip codes) in 1963.

IRON-EYES CODY is the name of the Cherokee Indian actor, notable for his "one tear" ecology spot on TV.

In 1902, Joshua Lionel Cowen named his toy train company LIONEL after his middle name.

On July 4, 1979, DONALD DUCK presented Teresa Salcedo the first birth certificate ever given for being born in DISNEYLAND.

The first TEST TUBE BABY born in the United States on December 28, 1981 is Elizabeth Jordan Carr.

When they were babies, both BROOKE SHIELDS and musician DR. JOHN posed for IVORY SOAP.

PAMPERS disposable diapers were invented in 1961.

Cartoon character "PEBBLES" Flintstone was born on February 22, 1963. To help celebrate the event, the Mattel toy company manufactured over 250,000 "PEBBLES" dolls, which were among the company's hottest-selling toys that year.

The band "PEARL JAM" was named for lead singer Eddie Wedder's grandmother, PEARL, and the hallucinogenic PRESERVES (JAM) she made from peyote.

APRIL DANCER, The Girl From U.N.C.L.E. was played by Stephanie Powers.

NIPPER the RCA dog was a Fox Terrier.

There were 5 MARX brothers: GROUCHO (Julius), CHICO (Leonard), HARPO (Adolph), GUMMO (Milton), ZEPPO (Herbert).

UNDERDOG'S secret identity was "Shoeshine Boy".

The Russian government between the Czars and the Bolshevists was called Provisional.

The color KHAKI was first used during the AFGHAN WAR in 1880 because the color was considered good camouflage.

G.I. JOE first appeared in 1942. The cartoonist DAVE GERGER combined G.I. and JOE in his strip for "YANK".

In World War II Army slang for an ARMY DONKEY was G.I. MOE.

In 1964, HASBRO introduced an 11 1/2-inch doll called G.I. JOE, with 21 movable parts to "move G.I.JOE into action positions"..."America's Movable Fighting Man"....'fighting man from head to toe...on the land...on the the air...' First-year sales for the doll and his equipment reached $10 million.

The FIRST TELEPHONE MESSAGE by Alexander Graham Bell on March 10, 1876 to his assistant Thomas Augustus Watson was "Mr. Watson, come here I need you".

L'Oreal introduced the first hair spray in 1960 called ELNETT.

RONALD McDONALD made his first national television appearance in 1967.

CANNED COCA COLA was first introduced in the domestic market in 1960.

In 1952 KELLOGG'S introduced two new cereals: "SUGAR SMACKS" and "SUGAR FROSTED FLAKES.

The TV DINNER was introduced during WWII by SWANSON because cans and metals were rationed during the war.

The skateboard was invented in 1963.

According to both FRENCH and PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH tradition, BELLS NICHOLS is the name of Santa's BROTHER.

The comic book character WONDER WOMAN was created by William Moulton Marston who also invented the LIE DETECTOR.

SUPERMAN made his debut in Action Comics in 1938 and the artist was Joe Shuster and the writer was Jerry Siegel.

"Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings at a single bound, look! Up in the sky! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It's Superman!"

In the comic books, BEPPO was the name of Superman's MONKEY and COMET was his SUPER HORSE.

Superman's real parents were Jor-El and Lara who died when the planet KRYPTON was destroyed.

WHISTLER'S MOTHER is not what Whistler called his famous picture. His name for it was ARRANGEMENT in GRAY and BLACK.

The initials used in C.A.R.E. stand for Cooperative American Relief Everywhere but originally stood for Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe.

The MOON PLAQUE placed by the crew of APOLLO 11 reads:"Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the Moon July 1969, A.D. We came in peace for all mankind."

The British ship CARPATHIA was the first ship that answered the SOS of the "TITANIC".

The first heavyweight boxing title bout in which gloves were used was in 1892 between John L. Sullivan and James J. Corbett. It was won by Corbett in 21 rounds.

MUHAMMAD ALI once said "When a man can fight sex, you know he's strong".

The BEATLES won a GRAMMY in 1964 for "BEST NEW ARTIST".

The BEATLES's movie HELP was originally titled "Eight arms to hold you".

The BEATLES played Shea Stadium in New York City on August 15, 1965 playing for 35 minutes and sang 12 songs in front of 56,000 fans. They were paid $160,000.

The BEATLES movie "A Hard Day's Night" won TWO Academy Awards.

The BEATLES gave The ROLLING STONES their first hit single "I WANNA BE YOUR MAN".

Before he was a BEATLE, JOHN LENNON was the leader of the group called THE QUARRYMEN, named after The QUARRY BANK GRAMMAR SCHOOL located in Woolton, England.

BRIAN JONES of The ROLLING STONES plays sax on The BEATLES' single "Baby You're a Rich Man".

Sixteen year old Jane Chester posed for the "Columbia Pictures" LOGO called the PROUD LADY.

In 1982, seven books by Jim Davis about GARFIELD were on the New York Times best-sellers list at the same time.

The Kings in a deck of cards are named: Alexander, Caesar, Charles and David.

In 1995, BLUE replaced TAN in the standard package of M&M candies. Blue was the overwhelming choice in a vote taken by MARS, Inc. The runner-up colors were purple and pink.

Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison all died at the age of 27.

There were 15 STRIPES on the official AMERICAN FLAG before Congress passed a law forever setting the number to 13. The number had increased to 15 in 1795 to include Kentucky and Vermont. Since more and more states were joining the Union, the number of stripes was reduced to 13 as of July 4, 1818 to represent the ORIGINAL 13 STATES.

GEORGE WASHINGTON was the FIRST President of the United States to have an "INAUGURAL BALL". It was held in New York City, NY on May 7, 1789.

The first building erected by the Federal Government in Washington, DC was the EXECUTIVE MANSION which would later be known as the WHITE HOUSE. It was first occupied in 1800 by JOHN ADAMS.

Hands Across America took place in 1986. It was 4,150 miles long.

The Presidential Retreat in Maryland was originally called "Shangri-La". It was renamed "CAMP DAVID" by President Eisenhower in 1953 for his grandson.

The HALL of FAME for "GREAT AMERICANS" is located on the grounds of New York University in New York City.

So far, GENE AUTRY is the only entertainer to have FIVE STARS on Hollywood's "Walk of Fame" in each of the "Walks" five categories of FILM, TV, RECORDING, RADIO and THEATER.

Helium is named after the Greek word for "sun".

The modern hamburger on a bun got it's start at the ST. Louis World's Fair in 1904.

HOWDY DOODY has a twin BROTHER named DOUBLE Doody and a SISTER named HEIDY Doody.

To insure a worldwide audience, ALFRED HITCHCOCK filmed his opening and closing remarks in English, French and German. He also drew the famous profile of himself that he steps into before each episode of ALFRED HITCHOCK PRESENTS.

The plastic on the end of a shoelace is called an AGLET.


The word "Highjack" originated during prohibition. When a truck of illegal liquor was taken, the gunman would say "HIGH, JACK", indicating how the driver should raise his hands.

TRISKAIDEKAPHOBIA is the unnatural fear of the number "13".

"ROSEBUD" was CITIZEN KANE'S last word on his deathbead in the movie Citizen Kane made in 1941. ROSEBUD was a SLED he had as a child and the frame of the story of the movie was searching for the meaning his last word.