...Homegrown, Yeah!
Sideview up on the dyno
Pits at Keystone Raceway
Jerry runnin' at Keystone Raceway
Coming in 2004!
Absolutely sick looking engine bay. 5 star restaurants aren't this clean.
Same, with a shot of the new manual steering box.
Fuel cell.
The new Bob George built 500 CI.
Wrinkling the slicks at the '04 PRP Chrsyler Classic!
Picking up the front tire at the '04 PRP Chrsyler Classic! Nick Tedesco is the Burnout Maestro in the background.
Nice side shot!
Jerry's Ram, in one of his few passes in '02.
Name: Jerry "The Madman" Bialek
Age: Unknown...???
Status: Psychotic
Car description: '69 Dodge Coronet 4 door and a '68 Dogde Charger R/T.
Future plans for the car: Retire the Coronet, NOT!. Make the Charger "Race Only"...2001-2002: opening up the biggest can of "Whoopass" in the drag racing world!
Started cruising/racing: cruising in '85, racing in early 90's
Best time: 13.74
Top speed: 98
Best light: .509
Accomplishments: 1998 #3 in an "All Mopar Drag Event", 1999 Hot Rod Super Nationals Burnout King(5th place on day #1, 1st place for day #2), 2000 Microtel World Burnout Champ! -"I have the best friends in the world!"
Parts needed: Fiberglass for the Charger, you name it, i'm interested.