Steve's '70 Chevelle, '69 Chev pick up, '69 Lemans

new quarter panel on the Chevelle.

Chevelle interior, isn't it pretty?

soon to be big block car...

2003 New Year's Day with the cage in the Chevelle! Steve swapped the 307 and the running gear from the Chevelle into the '69 LeMans!

'69 Chev truck! It will see some abuse!

The Steve and Doug grudge match.

Steve, borrowing his buddy's jeans, because he wore shorts to race. Fancy belt!

Steve & Ann with the chevelle.

Check out this view.


Here it goes again...

Name: Steve Erb

Age: 28

Status: Happily married

Car description: 1969 Pontiac LeMans(my high school car), 1969 Chevy 3/4 ton 4x4 pick-up, 1970 Chevelle.

Future plans for the car: The '69 Pontiac - possibly a Pro Streeter in the next 5-10 years, The '69 Chevy truck - drive, thrash, truck pulls, '70 Chevelle - make a 10 second, 10" tire car in the next 12-18 months.

Started cruising/racing: Started going to the dirt oval races when I was around 6. My old man raced these for 7 years. Started hanging at the old man's garage when I was around 14. Started cruising when I was 15. First demo derby - 19. First truck pull - 19. First 100 mile dirt oval endurance race - 25. First dragstrip run - 28. Through all of these motor sport events, Brian has always been my crew chief!!

Below times are for - 1970 Chevelle, 307 powered!!!

Best time: 12.602 seconds

Best 60': 1.713 seconds

Top speed: 106.34 mph

Best light: .687

Accomplishments: Learned to tie my shoes without looking!!!!

Parts needed: Big Block Chevy, Aluminum, Rectangular port heads; Big Block Rectangular port Edelbrock Victor Jr. intake, "Cheater" nitrous plate, 455 Pontiac engine
