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Christyan...Mommy Loves YOU!!!

February 2, 1999 ~ May 18, 1999

Mommy And Daddy

Our Baby Boy

On Febraury 2,1999 (groundhogs day) our son,
Christyan came into our life.
It was the most wonderful experience of my life.
He was not in a hurry to be born,
he was a little over a week late.
But when he finally came into the world,
he came in easily and quickly. His Mommy
was so strong for him.
I, his Daddy couldn't help but shed tears of joy.
We were probably the proudest
parents in the world that night.
Mommy also didn't want to let him go.
That day will always stay as clear
as if it were yesterday in my head,
and most of all in my Heart.

Christyans'first day Home.

Christyan was only a day old here.
He didn't look to happy in this picture.
Well considering he is only one day old.
The outfit he is wearing wasn't our first choice.
But he was just to big for the outfit
we intended for him.
But just the same he was beautiful.
He was 7 lbs. 13 ounces, 21 in. long.
Also the most beautiful baby I'd ever seen.
He slept alot, but he ate alot also.
First 2 ounces, then before
we knew it he was up to 4 ounces.
We were so happy to bring our son home.

Christyan's little footprint

Daddy's Birthday

Baby of the Year

On this day Christyan was such a good boy.
The photographer had come to our home to take
Christyan's 2 month old pictures.
Christyan's Mommy had left me explicit
instructions on what he was to wear,
and wet his hair so it would stay down.
Christyan's hair was so soft,
and beautiful as you can see.
Well needless to say Christyan was so
good that we got him in 9-12 different poses.
I was so proud of our little guy.

Christyan...Daddy Loves YOU!!!

Daddy and Christyan Easter Morning

Christyan loved to be held, and we loved to hold him.
He was so chubby as you can see.
People said," Don't pick him up all the time,
you'll spoil him". You can't spoil a Baby,
and besides holding him gave us more
time to really love him up.
We miss him so much it HURT'S.

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