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From Prairie:
Notice the Tower also has a black background, signifying darkness, only this time, the darkness & destruction is of a more physical nature, as opposed to spiritual.

The lightning bolt is oriented left to right (from the perspective of the card), from heaven to earth. From Spirit to Material. The Divine Fire disrupting & purifying. The crown is materialistic thought falling from the heights. The Tower itself is our ambitions built upon false premises.

The people falling are both royal & common. Like Death, the divine fire does not discriminate. All forms of class distinction are merely man-made institutions based upon man's ambitions and materialistic thought. These ambitions and thoughts crumble under the lightning bolt of Spirit.

The flames are actually the Hebrew yods. There are 22 flames representing (among other things) the 22 Major Arcana and the paths of the Tree of Life.

The gray clouds are the clouds of misfortune that rain on everyone indiscriminately.

The ruling planet of this card is Mars & the rune is Ehwaz.

If this card shows up, a good question to ask yourself is,"What structures in my life are breaking up?" "How can I use this to make my life better?"

STAR -->
TREE OF LIFE (Interacive)