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Computer Programming

The coolest programming site packed with awesome

links, tutorials, source, and compiled programs!


Hello and welcome to this awesome computer programming site! First of all, I'll admit I'm no expert programmer, but I'm very interested in becoming one. The first language I learned and the only language I've just about mastered, is QBasic. This language is very simple and is great for beginners - most people can teach themselves using the help file. I've also had some on-and-off experience with Visual Basic 5.0, and I've created some pretty neat, but simple programs with that. Another common language I've been trying out lately is Java. I'm taking this as a class, but it doesn't seem as exciting as the others - which is probably why I don't have a very complete section for this language. My most recent crave (after being deprived of the wonderful information source AKA the Internet, for years) has been Assembly language. For years I've felt almost guilty about programming because I knew very little about how my computer actually works. I beleive that a true programmer should understand how things are happening inside the computer, and Assembly is a good way to learn just that.

Now, however, I must add one more language to my list... I'm currently learning C. I'm creating an Operating System and for debugging purposes I'm converting my assembler to C code. Although I'm pleased with the increased production rate, I have found that my Assembler Operating System is without a doubt FASTER AND SMALLER than my C counterpart and while programming in Assembler I wasn't even worrying about this! For those who tell you C can generate almost as good code as the average assembler programmer can - THEY ARE DEAD WRONG! I also noticed that it is much harder to implement interrupts, segmentation and paging when programming in C because I need to find a way to interface C and assembler. I'm not good at this yet for two reasons: The assembler that can be entered into the C code is in GAS assembler format and I'm not experienced with this, and it is much harder for me to predict how C code will compile. As a result I've been relying on my ability to predict the offsets of memory locations in assembler compiled parts of my kernel and instead of linking them, I directly use these offsets in my C code by creating pointers.

In order to get a source-readable Operating System, I realize I'm going to need to find some way to deal with C - perhaps by finding out how Linus Torvalds did... Anyways, if anyone knows of a good tutorial or has some personal advice I'd greatly appreciate it! - email me. Thanks and enjoy my page.


As you'll probably notice, most of my site contains links to other sites with the information/downloads. I've done this because of all the law stuff. Many things have copyrights etc. and I don't want to get to caught up with them. However, these links are very useful and straightforward. I won't send you to a site where you have to click around before you find the info.

Also, some of the information on this site may not be considered "appropriate" by some people. For instance, some of my recent interests include Artificial Intelligence, a subject directly related to computer Viruses - and yes I have info. on these. While I'm not fond of and haven't damaged others' computers, the whole concept of viruses is fascinating to me.


Language specific:

1. QBasic

2. Visual Basic

3. Java

4. Assembly - an awesome low-level language which gives you control of the CPU. This produces by far the most efficient programs of any language. Most virii are written using Assembly.

a. Tutorials:

(1. A Very Basic Assembly Tutorial

(2. Awesome Beginner's Tutorial

(3. Some of the Best tutorials ever!

b. Virus and anti-virus pages:

(1. McAfee - Powerful Scanner - sometimes finds what I don't want it to!

(2. Norton Antivirus

(3. The Little Black Book Of Computer Viruses - swete info! - Freedom of Speach Survives!

c. All-Around AWESOME Pages:

(1. Tutorials, Source, Programs, Assemblers!(A86)

d. Some of My Programs (You probably won't be able to do much with my OS considering it isn't functional and needs massive reorganization, but if you wish to look, feel free!):

(1. My OS - I suggest extracting it before trying to make sense of it...


(2. An Old Version of My OS

(a. Boot sector

(b. FAT table

(c. Password checker

(d. Kernel

(e. Instructions

(3. Other nifty programs

(a. Polymorph - A Polymorphic simple program. Compiled here.

(b. Read - Read any sector from a floppy/hard disk using a BIOS interrupt. Compiled here.

e. NASM - The BEST Assembler

(1. For Linux

(2. For Windows

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