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The Sheltie Webring

If you have a site about Shelties, please join our webring.

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If you want to join the Webring use the form below.

Choose a password - you will need this in the future if you want to edit your "entry" (URL, name etc). If you forget your password you can e-mail the ringmaster and she will mail it to you. When you have filled out this form you will recieve an ID number which you will need when you add the graphics below to your page.
While you are here please save the three graphic files and upload them to your server. To save them just right click your mouse on the photos and click on save as. When uploading them to your server please be sure to use the same file name.

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Notice: By pressing the ADD TO QUEUE button you will be added to the queue - not the ring! After your submission has been received, you will be e-mailed the HTML coding to be added to your web page. You will not be oficially added to the ring until the ringmaster has checked your page to confirm that the ring link is up and running..

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