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Isaac T. Miller

Private in company A. Enlisted 6/1/61-62 in Pendleton county ,West Virginia. Captured 12/20/62 in Pendleton, County W. Virginia while on furlough.

Sent to Camp Chase,Ohio 12/30/62. Forwarded to City Point, VA. for exchange 3/28/63.Paroled 5/11/65 at Winchester,VA.

Light complextion, light hair, blue eyes, 5'8".

Here is a bio of Isaac T Miller, it is a bio read at his Confederate grave dedication performed July 19 1998, West of Winchester, Randolph Co. Indiana. Woodlawn Cemetery. Many Pendleton Co Residents ended up in Randolph Co when they headed west. Isaac T Miller is my 2nd great grandfather, born July 22 1839 in Upper Tract, Pendleton Co. West Virginia. Moved to Randolph Co Indiana on December 8 1884 his old place became the home of Olin Mallow. Square flat roofed home on Kline Rd. between Kline and Upper Tract. His Mother Susannah Hedrick Miller started the Mt. Horeb Church in Mozer, Pendleton Co WV.


Isaac Taylor Miller was born July 22 1839, in the mountains of Upper Tract, Pendleton County, West Virginia. At the time of his birth, it was, Pendleton County, Virginia. He was of German and Native American ancestry, carrying the blood of Seneca Indian warriors in his body. The son of John Taylor Miller, and Susannnah (Hedrick) Miller, Isaac was the youngest boy in a family containing 7 boys and 6 girls.

With the onset of war in 1861, Pendleton County fell under Union control. Many of the residents were angry with the Union forces, who raided and devastated the occupying area. There was no escape, and no neutral ground. Each person had to declare his allegiance to either the North or the South. Isaac, and his two brothers, Amos and Job Miller, followed their hearts and declared their allegiance to thier home state of Virginia.. In November 1861, they enlisted in the 46th Virginia Militia. Isaac was a 2nd Corporal and his two brother Privates in Company C. That same month, the 46th was ordered by General TJ "Stonewall" Jackson to Winchester, Virginia, to assist Jackson's Winter Campaign at Romney. Shortly after this, the 46th disbanded in April, 1862. On June 1 1862, Isaac enlisted in the 1st Virginia Regiment Partisan Rangers Company F. Isaac was a Private in this regiment, which in April 1863, under General John D. Imboden, would become the 18th Virginia Cavalry Company A.

On the 27th of July, 1862, Isaac married Amelia Susan Cowger of Ft. Seybert, Pendleton County. To this Union, one child was born, Johnson Taylor Miller. On December 20th, 1862, while home on furlough to visit his pregnant wife, Isaac was captured and arrested by Captain Scuters. On December 30th, 1862, Isaac was sent to Camp Chase, Ohio. On March 28th, 1863, Isaac was forwarded to City Point, Virginia for exchange. Tragedy occurred on June 13th, 1863, when Isaac's young wife, Amelia, died while traveling by horseback in the mountains. On January 12th 1865, Isaac married Fidelliah Margaret Roadcap, also of Ft. Seybert are.
Below is a tintype of the couple taken in 1866. (Thanks to Dennis Miller for sending the image...)
To this union, eight children were born, William Harness, Stephen Perry, Charles Ed, Martha Susan, James Harry, Rebecca Lough, Mary Emma, and Robert Lee Miller. On May 11th 1865, Isaac, after four hard fought years, was paroled at Winchester, Virginia. During those years Isaac's regiment were in the battles of, Jones-Imboden West Virginia Raid, Gettysburg, Waynesboro, Williamsport, New Market, Lynchburg Campaign, Monocacy, 3rd Winchester, Fisher's Hill, Cedar Creek, and countless other engagements and skirmishes.

After the war, Isaac returned to his home in Upper Tract, and raised his family there until December 1884. On December 8th, 1884, Isaac T. Miller and family arrived by train in Winchester, Randolph County, Indiana., settling a couple miles East of this cemetery. In Isaac's later years, he had a longing desire to return to his homeland where he was born and raised. He was often found sitting on the railroad tracks, a few hundred yards from his home, waiting to go back. On Sunday, July 18th 1915, the decrepit, 75 year old Isaac T. Miller, accompanied by his faithful dog, ventured out to the tracks one last time.


At 1:40pm, Isaac and his dog were struck and killed by fast moving Big Four Passenger Train No. 419. The conductor of the train stated he observed Isaac seated on the South rail, petting his dog. The conductor sounded the whistle, and as the engine neared, Isaac turned his face, and looked at the train. Isaac then either fell or laid back in the tracks. Thus bringing the end to a life of a man who with bravery, stood strong for his beliefs, in the face of adversity.


I would like to thank Dennis Miller for sending this biography and photos of Isaac T. Miller.