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This website is now a dedication page only. Orders are no longer being taken. Thank you for visiting my site. Enjoy your stay. And may your angel always walk beside you.

Updated July 5, 2002

Angels handmade with a vision of love, peace and protection

Hello! And welcome to my little slice of heaven on the web. My name is Elisabetta and I would like to share my crocheted Angelic Creations with you. But first, I'd like to tell you a story. My mom recently crossed over to the other side. When she became ill, I opted to take care of her at home. I always promised I would never put her in a nursing home. Well one night I was feeding her crushed ice, and I said,"Okay Big C, open up!" and she replied ,"Okay Little C." I said,"Who is Little C?" And she pointed to me. I think that was the night she passed her talent on to me. I knew the basics of crochet, like how to make a simple afghan, but nothing elaborate. I hadn't crocheted since I was 10! So, for me to be able to do this is just as amazing to me. I did receive an inheritance when she crossed over. It wasn't money nor an estate, but she left me her talent, so I could carry on her work and touch others lives as she touched so many while she was here, with us. Now I believe she watches over me and I have a very special Guardian Angel. Enjoy your stay and thanks for stopping by! Oh, and please sign my guest book, so I knew you were here!
Peace, Light, and Love

He will give his angels
charge of you, to guard
you in all your ways.
-Psalm 91:11


These angels are made
in memory of my mother,

whose legacy lives on . . .


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