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All Eyez On Me

My real name's Paul Nickolson, but I go by CrAzY~eIgHt Of course if you stick around long enough you'll probably here me called Rambo and/or Romeo- don't ask how I got that name, it's a long confusing story! I'm a 17 year old guy from Scottsboro, AL (No, I'm not a redneck!) I drove a white '93 Cutlass Ciera. That is until 18May99 when my faithful car was t-boned by a Cutlass Supreme going 60-70 mph. I'm a senior in Scottsboro High School. Go Wildcats!; and all that other preppy stuff (gag me!) I'm active in JROTC- if you don't know what that is, don't worry about. When I'm not commanding JROTC Saber Guard or Color Guard. Or assisting the Rifle Team commander, I'm hanging out with my friends or talking to them on the phone. I'd like to be an Airborne Ranger when I get older. If you want to find out more about the Rangers check out my Ranger page. But enough about me, it's time to check out my other pages!

