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Christine's Bobwhite Quail

August 18, 2003

Brower TopHatch Incubator

So Cute!

Eating ground turkey crumbles

I'm shy!


Hey, who's out there?

For 23 days Christine turned her eggs 3 times a day

On the 23rd day little chickie popped out of her shell

Why aren't my brothers and sisters hatching?

I'm 3 days old! I eat gamebird crumbles and hard boiled egg yolk.

I'm 4 days old! Today I tried pinhead crickets! YUM!!! At first I was scared.

I'm 4 weeks old!

Stretching my wings!

Checking out the flower bed

Chillin' with Christine

I'm so curious

I like to eat flowers, yum!

I like fish, too!

Taking a refreshing dirt bath!

After 1st moult

I LOVE Christine!

Out on the porch!

Strutting my stuff!

Hey! What's this?

UH-OH, Christine got a new pet....Amy!

Isn't she cute?

We will always remember our Chickie! 1-1-03

We got our incubator and eggs from Stromberg's

Quail information about care and diet

Questions? Page Davies

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