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Links you may find helpful.

Other AFA Chapters.
National Headquarters of Afghans for Angels-Iowa
Information for starting a new chapter of Afghans for Angels
Afghans for Angels - Arizona Chapter
Afghans for Angels - (Louisiana) - Daniel Wesley Davis Jr. Chapter
Afghans for Angels - Maryland Chapter
Afghans for Angels - New York Chapter
Afghans for Angels - (Oklahoma) - Chandra Reann Chapter
Afghans for Angels - Texas Chapter (North Houston)
Afghans for Angels - Texas Chapter (South Houston)
Afghans for Angels - Virginia Chapter


Crochet Patterns

Knitting Patterns

Sewing Patterns

Pages with Patterns for more than one craft

Herrschners - Free blanket patterns available here.
Variety of Knitting and Crochet Patterns.
Lee's World Crochet and Knit.
Knitting and Crochet for babies and children.
knitting and crochet.
The Charity Crafting Page. Lots of patterns for crafting for charity and links to other charities that need your help.
Lots of knitting and crochet patterns.
Mostly crochet.
Lots of info and patterns for knit and crochet.
knit and crochet.
Caps for Kids-crochet and knit hat patterns for preemie-adult.
Project Linus-has preemie patterns.
Little Love Snuggles-preemie pattern links.
Baby Aid-links to patterns for babies.
Warm The Baby.
The Craft Bin.
Threads of Love-patterns for beautiful day gown and burial gown/bonnet (sewn) also knit and crocheted preemie caps.
Craft Links.
Patterns for Kids (preemies included.
Gran's Place-sewing, knit and crochet.

Barb's Caring Touch-preemie patterns.
WWW Prematurity Resources.
Happy Hats and Lapghans-cancer patients.
Cuddles - A similar project in the United Kingdom.
Angel Fire - We thank them for this free web page.
Starfish - Inspiration for those who choose to make a difference.
Shones Kids Heart Foundation - Providing support for parents of children with Shone's Complex.
A Baby's Angel - A similar project in Colorado.
Cuddles - A similar project in the United Kingdom.
Empty Arms, Heavy Hearts - A wonderful site with parental support and beautiful memorials to precious angels.

Virtual Cemetery for the Unborn a place to remember the children we have lost before they ever took a breath of their own.
Since 2/25/2000